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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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ddf2ec No.379379

What is real news, an obligation of the free press? It's to tell the public the truth, even when the truth may be uncomfortable or inconvenient. It is to expose corruption of officials in government and politics (on all sides, not just one side!) as well oligarchs. It is to expose the secrecy behind a cover-up, to point out what is dishonest and what is unfair, in a non-bias way. It is also an obligation to make sure common sense prevails so the idiocracy behind political ideology does not end up wrecking the nation and causing national discourse. It is there to defend the innocent, and there to expose corrupt predators within society. That is why we need more real news, not censorship.

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ed8eeb No.379384


lol @ you actually think journalists are "obligated to tell the truth"…

It's nice to see you're putting that 10th grade education to good use…

You're brilliant, aren't you?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ed8eeb No.379386


Q: can you name somebody stupid enough to actually believe journalists are obligated to "make sure Common Sense prevails"?

A: yes… YOU are that stupid


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