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344a76 No.379121

RE: SABOTAGE!!! Taiwan Ammunition Dump DETONATES


Frapping Rat Guard COMMENTS:

The ammo situation facing Taiwan has a parallel to what has been happening to the USA.

To my recollection, when hill-da-beast was campaigning in 2015/2016, she let it be known that, a war with Russia, China and/or N. Korea would be inevitable. The plan behind the scenes was to start the war then deliberately lose it. Then as part of the surrender terms, rewrite the U.S. Constitution and have the 1st & 2nd Amendments removed.

Sniffy Jo-Jo’s administration (in reality the deep state) has been deliberately weakening the USA: Covid-19 mandates to military personnel; depleting strategic oil reserves; sending military hardware & money to Ukraine, the Afghanistan military gear giveaway; the woke Maybelline cosmetic military monstrosities, The unmitigated flood of military aged illegals another angle all to hasten our downfall.

Could it all be a figment of my imagination? The next false flag disaster could usher in the final crumbling of this country! Be prepared!

Jefferson COMMENTS: I agree with your perspective.

hardway90909 COMMENTS: I hope all have prepped! Speculation will abound but are you ready for your neighborhood to get hit or a city or three away? got lots of water and water filters? food, TP or equivalent, meds and med training? POL ? spare everything, got gardens in ? THEN DO IT NOW!

MY COMMENT: GET WHAT YOU NEED NOW. Food storage, access to clean water sources, guns/ammo/cleaning kits, tools & accessories, wood stove, gas & solar generators, 12V batteries and power inverters, extra fuel and propane, extra clothing, extra outdoor shoes & boots, extra blankets, extra OTC & medical supplies, extra booze, assets to barter and trade, etc.

I too have a gut feeling the END OF AMERICA is near and this has all been prepared in advance by despotic communist traitors in this country who HATE our culture, HATE our Constitutional freedoms and who most of all, HATE us.

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344a76 No.379122

Chinese Money Flees the Western World - WHAT DO THEY KNOW THAT WE DON'T?


I believe Chinese tycoons know America is not going to be a good investment opportunity anymore, or at least for the next couple decades as governments - including our own - take action to destroy our society and the economy, and have us replaced with the third world through open borders. THEY GOT THE MEMO FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. America is to be completely destroyed and killed off before they "build back better" under foreign occupation.

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013b2b No.379123


> "The plan behind the scenes was to start the war then deliberately lose it."




You don't even know the second law of thermodynamics, so you certainly don't have any Insider behind the scenes knowledge about Washington or anything else for that matter..

Maybe you should work on the one syllable words, before pretending to have behind the scenes inside our knowledge about world events?

You're probably THE LEAST KNOWLEDGEABLE HUMAN I've ever seen

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013b2b No.379124


Shouldn't you be washing the feces off your disgusting chicken eggs?

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013b2b No.379125


because chickens lay eggs FROM THEIR SHITHOLE

meaning chicken feces has contaminated your entire house

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1b8a58 No.379148

bumping logical news

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6705ae No.379181

bumping reality-driven news

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