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File: 79ba5f81a2710bd⋯.png (55.84 KB,600x422,300:211,OH_MY_GOD.png)

5532bd No.379085

RELATED: >>>/pnd/379022






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03901c No.379086


American has been a third world nation ever since the '60s, when people started dropping out of High School

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4b8544 No.379087

It is very sad it came to this, but the best bet was to bank on the collapse of America as we knew it, so I am very satisfied I have been prepping for a long time. THIS would be a good example why. America is producing a very dumb down society so it will not make anything better for consumers or taxpayers. Just wait until the BRICS+ nations all dump the US dollar for trade and go with a new gold-backed currency, then America is finished for good, we won't be able to compete with Africa at that point, it's over, done and gone!

I now place a new bet: America will not even have energy provided by the power grid within the next decade. Bank on the collapse of the internet as you know it too, better get used to living completely off-grid!

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03901c No.379088

File: 4cb2e6f40283103⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,193x261,193:261,Z_16_.jpg)


it was this RADICAL 60s MOVEMENT of "dropping out" that led to the ocean of UNEDUCATED ADULTS, who entered adulthood without a high school diploma, and turned America into a shithole

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4b8544 No.379089



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03901c No.379090

File: 2a074b2a576f402⋯.jpg (75.09 KB,700x513,700:513,1_AFjrs8L9MK8_Y3YXTvGaow.jpg)


just because Timothy Leary said it, didn't mean people had to take it literally and drop out of high school, shooting themselves in the foot, and turning America into a third world nation

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4b8544 No.379091


Some of the so-called "educated" people today happen to be some of the dumbest brainwashed fucks on the planet. Even niggers can school their asses in a debate, in fact I've fucking SEEN IT.

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03901c No.379092

File: ee3e9c9cbd9ada9⋯.jpg (26.34 KB,316x315,316:315,Turn_On_Tune_In_Drop_Out_a….jpg)


the reason Texas can't build a monkeywrench is becauseYOU DROPPED OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL

you long haired flowerchild FREAK!!

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4b8544 No.379093


America was at least stable (yes still corrupt but at least stable!) until Bush Jr. came around. Then came the 2008 banker bailouts and then Obama and everything started going to complete and utter shit. Trump didn't help much to be honest, but at least he kept the country from completely collapsing like we see happening now.

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03901c No.379094


hint: i know young black guys that can expound on quantum physics, geopolitics, global economics, world history, calculus, and REAL THEOLOGY

(actual THEOLOGY… not just one stupid book called "the bible")

by the way, the word BIBLE is a generic term…

you delusional uninformed intentionally and defiantly ignorant Christians all seem to think the term "Bible" holds a special meaning, as if the word was somehow ordained by a higher power..

the term BIBLE simply means a "library"

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03901c No.379095


you're admitting that the DEMOCRATS supply America with better leadership and prosperity?

yep…. that IS true

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4b8544 No.379099


Nope, not at all. Did you even bother reading my comment or are you gaslighting people?

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4b8544 No.379100


America was at least stable (yes still corrupt but at least stable!) until Bush Jr. came around. Then came the 2008 banker bailouts and then Obama and everything started going to complete and utter shit. Trump didn't help much to be honest, but at least he kept the country from completely collapsing like we see happening now (which is happening now, under Biden).

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03901c No.379103

File: f1a9511ef1852c1⋯.jpg (316.3 KB,1080x1543,1080:1543,Picsart_23_07_24_11_11_10_….jpg)

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4b8544 No.379104

Get prepared while you still have the time to. Or don't. It's up to you.

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4b8544 No.379105

File: 0a839f8686c8feb⋯.jpg (133.89 KB,713x840,713:840,34262623.jpg)

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4b8544 No.379106

File: 6014a55c346e691⋯.jpg (41.07 KB,762x358,381:179,vote_for_gold_1.jpg)

File: 2af20735c325049⋯.jpg (69.94 KB,831x478,831:478,vote_for_gold_2.jpg)

File: 0f9a1a517b2908b⋯.jpg (49.61 KB,808x451,808:451,vote_for_gold_3.jpg)

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03901c No.379107


lol the 2008 "obama" bailouts were CREATED BY BUSH JR!!

you literally CANNOT learn, can you?

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03901c No.379108


lol @ kimdotcom

So you get your news from morbidly obese flamboyantly homosexual International felons and fugitives?

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03901c No.379109


you don't own ANY gold

by the way, be honest…. your dentures are made of acrylics, so you don't even have any gold fillings or caps

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03901c No.379110

File: 1cc9ef046c01737⋯.jpg (355.37 KB,1626x1080,271:180,Picsart_23_07_24_11_26_51_….jpg)


maybe you should take your Timothy Leary dropout tune in LSD long hair flower child hippie ass down to Texas and build a monkeywrench for them?

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03901c No.379111


The same you prepared to provide for your family by dropping out of high school, minimizing your opportunities for money?

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03901c No.379112

RE: not realizing Obama INHERITED the Bush Financial corruption

I'm guessing after 10 years of being faced with a completeinability to learn, Timothy Leary's "TUNE IN, DROP OUT" advice seemed appealing?

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03901c No.379113

File: 14502358dbdd729⋯.png (404.89 KB,532x778,266:389,Picsart_23_07_24_11_41_16_….png)


you have a learning disability

(you actually thought Obama created the financial meltdown before he even took office)

like I said…… THE least informed adult I've ever seen in my life

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03901c No.379114

File: 4a34fdf1266c3ee⋯.jpg (397.6 KB,1385x1080,277:216,Picsart_23_07_24_11_37_54_….jpg)

I just got off the phone with Texas….

I told Texas that you'd be there soon, to teach them how to build a monkeywrench

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03901c No.379115

File: b3e1278570c4427⋯.jpg (10.33 KB,225x225,1:1,images_47_.jpg)

yeah…. you certainly weren't PREPARING for your future when you tuned in, turned on, anddropped out of high school

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03901c No.379116


you are CORRECT !!!

the Republicans ARE stupid, totally uneducated, just like the Republican voters

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03901c No.379117


I agree with you when you said the average black teenager is more intelligent than you

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03901c No.379119

File: 7f24d86c74219ec⋯.jpg (98.94 KB,647x1000,647:1000,81r_hY68GmL_AC_UF1000_1000….jpg)

maybe the reason America sucks balls is because Killcen unwittingly became a communist when he TUNED IN, TURNED ON, ANDDROPPED OUT OF THE 10TH GRADE

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bf37dd No.379146

bumping rational news

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08397b No.379184

Bye bye Mrs American pie, sold out, bankrupted and left to die.

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08397b No.379217

I guess it doesn't matter what Americans think anymore.

I guess it only matters what other nations think.

I guess America was sold out to virtue signal.

That's why we lost.

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