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File: 115b35c41edd5b8⋯.jpg (110.3 KB,2400x829,2400:829,Picsart_23_07_21_13_52_58_….jpg)

791634 No.379031

In the same way the Muslim Brotherhood staged a decades long takeover of the professional associations in Egypt, our own institutions are now controlled by Marxists. Disrupting gender norms is one such effort made by the AMA, the ACA, and the APA. Be very skeptical of these so-called professionals. Life is full of choices and stupid prizes. Guard your children well. Please read the following article.


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8b2b00 No.379038

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

WARNING: Holding Marxist proclivities, communist, socialist and national socialist beliefs will trigger headaches, confusion and even gender dysphoria.

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8b2b00 No.379047

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

File: 7ba3c5ab523f382⋯.png (3.29 MB,1878x713,1878:713,sigecempa.png)


They don't take kindly to mockery of their rune names. You could print the proper version of his name and put it in a high place within your home and make offerings to it. Mead, beer or cooked pork will do nicely. Give up your socialism, plead for forgiveness and join the fold of a once forgotten now reemerging champion.

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82f80f No.379150


Think you're safe in a small town? The administrative state has had reach for decades. Watch the video about a small town in Ohio evacuated at gunpoint by our military. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0W6ubBoXG0

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82f80f No.379151

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

Imagine what the Administrative State could do to rural towns in the name of "equity.">>379150

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