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File: 12d0cb9a169e8d2⋯.png (43.25 KB,723x248,723:248,Screenshot_2023_07_22_1056….png)

File: 9e69ff51144266c⋯.png (51.46 KB,544x366,272:183,Screenshot_2023_07_22_1057….png)

7e12f3 No.378940

Am I the only one that finds some of this very strange?

Here is one from 2020. Remember the following?

If you are going to comment, don't leave a bump. Leave some information or at least a decent comment.

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7e12f3 No.378942

File: f4511c1788eef4a⋯.png (37.98 KB,538x249,538:249,Screenshot_2023_07_22_1058….png)


Remember picrel happened back in 2020.

Can anyone work on posting the strange NYC Police suicides that happened after the Hunter Biden laptop was taken by police there?

Post any strange deaths or suicides related to the 2020 election.

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7e12f3 No.378945

File: 499e3d1c037977c⋯.png (302.56 KB,512x601,512:601,Screenshot_2023_07_22_1059….png)


And was the fire as bad as the Michael Hastings "accident"?

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7e12f3 No.378948


GBI = Georgia Bureau of Investigation

Video of the crash starts at 2:36


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707364 No.378949


YES, you ARE the only person who thinks there's a hidden conspiracy behind every single event that ever happens

At least you're the only personIN HEREwho continually insists there is a series of conspiratorial dots to connect, that the entire fabric of life is a series of conspiracies and Evil hidden subplots…

That's because you have a psychiatric disorder that leads you to proceed reality through a paranoid filter.. an unrealistic paranoia template you apply to everything, no matter how innocuous it might be

the rest of us do NOT suffer from paranoid schizophrenia

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707364 No.378950


We don't care, because we don't have the compulsion to continually seek validation of a hidden conspiracy theory behind every day events.. that's your particular psychiatric disorder, not ours

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707364 No.378953

Because you refuse to manage your psychiatric disorder with the appropriate medication, you actually get off on fear and cortisol.. that's your Buzz

Some people like cocaine, others like methamphetamine, while some prefer marijuana or perhaps even gambling, or even unsafe sex

YOU ?…. your addictions are cortisol and alcohol.. plain and simple.. you love the feeling of stress and fear and worrying, then you drown one addiction with the other addiction, trying to numb your fear and stress so you can sleep, then you wake up and do it all over again.. you'll find a conspiracy hidden inanything

You'll literally make it up as you go along

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707364 No.378956

Have you ever known any heroin junkies in real life?

Have you ever lived with a cocaine addict? Have you ever shared a house with a methamphetamine junkie?

If so, you would realize addicts always want to get everybody else addicted to the same drug of choice

Heroin Junkies always try to get other people using heroin just like them

That's why you're here

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707364 No.378957

It must be an incredibly lonely isolated existence, trapped in your addiction of cortisol and stress and fear

Obviously, there's nobody in real life who's willing to hang out with you

Or you wouldn't be in here trying to make other people experience your fear and stress and cortisol

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707364 No.378959

You always tell us the same old tired lie.. trying to save the world in an empty chat room

When everybody realize you're full of shit. You can't save the world in an empty chat room by copying and pasting


You're in here because you don't have anybody to talk to in real life

They're not interested in hearing the same fear and cortisol conversations

You have nobody that you can get hooked on fear

So you come in here, and attempt to make other people addicted to fear and stress, just like you

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707364 No.378960

HINT : it's not working

You've been doing this for decades, and you still haven't managed to get ANYBODY to join in on your fear and stress and cortisol and panic

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707364 No.378961



Nobody gives a fuck, even if it's true.. it doesn't matter. It doesn't affect our lives

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707364 No.378962



The real question at hand is

what happened in your life that made you so needy for conspiracy bullshit?

I hope you are aware that 99% of conspiracy theorists suffer from low self-esteem, and a self perception of worthlessness.. powerlessness

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707364 No.378963


99% of conspiracy theorists simply overcompensate for a self perception of powerlessness

It has very little to do with the exterior world around them, and EVERYTHING to do with their inner self-perceptions

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7e12f3 No.378964

File: 9a7117f545d423a⋯.png (102.41 KB,662x578,331:289,1regime_proving_whatwe_Kno….png)


>you ARE the only person who thinks there's a hidden conspiracy behind every single event that ever happens

Not every event. And you are not very good at this are you?

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707364 No.378965


being the "town crier" who yells the latest "conspiracy theory headlines" is clearly an OVERCOMPENSATION TECHNIQUE, trying to convince oneself that they are no longer powerless

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707364 No.378966



see?…… I bet you also Source your information from Twitter and tiktok?

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707364 No.378967



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7e12f3 No.378968

File: 5b77912a1d8dc42⋯.jpg (3.7 MB,3600x5625,16:25,c_deathlist.jpg)


Can you be anymore transparent?

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707364 No.378969

File: 12562ce858b3fbd⋯.png (448.06 KB,1080x2007,120:223,Picsart_23_07_17_09_58_54_….png)

File: d721eef5b823bd4⋯.png (320.06 KB,1080x1548,30:43,Picsart_23_07_17_09_59_08_….png)

lmmfao @ somebody who isSO UNEDUCATEDthat they don't realize the historical mythology behind the Jesus myth

( but they considered themselves to be more intelligent than others !!!)


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707364 No.378970

"I'm so stupid, I refuse to accept world history, and instead, I choose to believe in an easily debunked myth called Jesus, and I consider myself to be of superior intelligence"

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707364 No.378971

" not only do I believe in the stupid Jesus myth, but I also glean all of my knowledge from 4chan and tiktok"

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707364 No.378972

File: a4584235e125c3b⋯.png (1.32 MB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230722_114411….png)

Suicide rates have historically gone down in times of crisis

Oddly enough, the covid pandemic was different.. suicide rates drastically spiked upwards during this time of crisis

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707364 No.378973

File: 9c49ca102a2bd73⋯.png (245.3 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230722_114425….png)

Not only suicide, but alcohol and drug addiction and other such behaviors all spiked during the covid epidemic

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707364 No.378974

File: 06967c391c0b869⋯.png (388.61 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230722_114510….png)

Law enforcement historically has a higher rate of suicide than civilians, Believe it or not..

And this held true during the covid epidemic.

Just like the civilian population, suicide rates increased drastically during covid among law enforcement

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707364 No.378975



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707364 No.378976

as if TWITTER wasn't already a huge red flag……



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7e12f3 No.378977

File: 4535772aea2cafd⋯.gif (3.06 MB,400x224,25:14,strokdemon.gif)




Wow. Working overtime?

But thanks, and keep the thread alive for me.

Gone fishing for a couple hours.

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707364 No.378979


lol actually, YES… I indeed AM working overtime

how ironic you'd mention it…

because I get paid to oversee a

property for the owner….

basically glorified housesitting

professional housesitting

believe it or not

which gives me as much time as I want to make very simple observations about your laughable "conspiracy expert" character….

shawl nuff…..

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707364 No.378980

re: gone fishin'



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707364 No.378981

File: 215c357ec1483b9⋯.png (589.32 KB,1080x1161,40:43,Picsart_23_07_22_13_11_48_….png)

I actually live a very short distance from the governor's mansion right here in buckhead…

I've actually assisted the GBI on several occasions, and I know a few GBI agents personally…

Your opinions about Kemp and the GBI are hand-me-downs

like a Goodwill Thrift Store of opinions

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7e12f3 No.378995

File: a86811790386687⋯.jpg (135.26 KB,1024x1022,512:511,sethRich.jpg)



So people still trust the government. Kind of sad really.

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026840 No.379096



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