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File: 5d6101b09a11743⋯.png (148.72 KB,1012x984,253:246,4332.png)

13974b No.378801 [Last50 Posts]

Democrats Deny Government Censorship By Trying To Censor A Committee On Government Censorship

In a hearing marred by contentious interruptions and attempts by House Democrats to remove him as a witness, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD chairman on leave from Children’s Health Defense (CHD) testified before a US House hearing organized by Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government: https://judiciary.house.gov/subcommittees/committee-judiciary/select-subcommittee-weaponization-federal-government

The subcommittee, operating within the House Judiciary Committee, said today’s hearing was intended to “examine the federal government’s role in censoring Americans,” “Big Tech’s collusion with out-of-control government agencies to silence speech” and the ongoing Missouri v. Biden lawsuit alleging government censorship.

Other witnesses who testified today included D. John Sauer, special assistant attorney general for Louisiana, an attorney for the plaintiffs in the Missouri v. Biden case, Breitbart journalist Emma-Jo Morris, who in 2020 first revealed the now-infamous “Hunter Biden laptop story,” and Maya Wiley, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

Government censorship and alleged First Amendment violations on the part of the federal government featured prominently in today’s hearing. “We need to be able to talk,” Kennedy told the committee. “And, the First Amendment was not written for easy speech. It was written for the speech that nobody likes you for.”

In his testimony, Sauer referred to the July 4 ruling by Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, which barred the White House and federal agencies from censoring social media posts. He said:

“The government likes to claim that social media platforms acting on their own would apply their policies and censor all this content. … The Louisiana Court found that the platforms would not have suppressed this speech, but for the fact that the federal officials were pushing for it.”

Calling the scope and reach of the federal censorship efforts “staggering,” Sauer added:

“Millions of social media posts and speakers [were censored] all across America. It affects virtually every American who reads, listens, engages, or posts on social media about great disputed political and social questions that federal censors have stuck their fingers into …. Federal officials’ censorship efforts are in full swing and they’re expanding to new frontiers.”

Efforts by Democrats to prevent Kennedy from testifying began earlier this week. On Monday, Reps. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and Judy Chu (D-Calif.) sent a letter signed by 102 House Democrats to House Republican leadership, requesting they “rescind Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s invitation to testify.”

Kennedy, in response to the accusations levied against him, set aside his prepared testimony for the hearing. Referencing the letter, he told the committee, “The 102 people that signed this [is] itself evidence of the problem that this hearing was convened to address. This is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing.”

Comparing the efforts to the McCarthyism of the 1950s, Kennedy said he is being censored “through smears, through misinterpretations of what I’ve said, through lies, through association,” adding that “While I’m under oath, in my entire life I have never uttered a phrase that was either racist or anti-Semitic.”


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13974b No.378802


Rep. Thomas Massey (R-Ky.), in an impromptu interview after the hearing, said:

“The irony and cognitive dissonance from the other side of the aisle, it’s deafening. You could cut it with a knife. They are at the same time denying that censorship is occurring, but suggesting that there’s more material that needs to be censored.”

Still, efforts to stop Kennedy’s testimony continued throughout the hearing. Following a motion by Massey to table the point of order, a roll-call vote was held, which passed 10-8 along party lines, enabling Kennedy’s testimony to continue.

But later in the hearing, Wasserman Schultz persisted, stating that “anti-Semitic incidents … are at the highest level in the United States since 1970. They have nearly tripled in the last six years [yet] you gave Mr. Kennedy a megaphone today.”

When Kennedy attempted to respond to Wasserman Schultz’s accusations, pointing out that he was describing a study funded by the National Institutes of Health and conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, she interrupted, saying she was “reclaiming” her allocated time to speak.

Republican members of the subcommittee later approved a motion to add the Cleveland Clinic study to the record. The study confirmed Kennedy’s claims about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, finding “unique genetic susceptibility across different populations in ACE2 and TMPRSS2,” particularly for the “African/African-American population.”These claims were the basis for labeling Kennedy “racist.”

Kennedy, repeatedly responded to claims of “anti-Semitism” and “racism,” stating that “What you have stated and tried to associate me with through guilt by association is simply inaccurate. All the things that I’m accused of right now by you and in this letter are distortions, misrepresentations.”

“And I think that we should have a real conversation rather than an exchange of ad hominem attacks.”

Read the rest about this entire sad state of affairs here: https://archive.ph/QOrH0


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a81d75 No.378804

what's up, dude?

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a81d75 No.378805


what's the weather like up there?

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a81d75 No.378806

Kennedy is an IDIOT


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a81d75 No.378807

File: 7a80caf4b26d154⋯.png (216.41 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230722_082737….png)

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13974b No.378808


It was good enough for a bon fire last night, had been raining on and off, pretty decent though.

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a81d75 No.378809

File: d61b035eab73cb0⋯.png (958.93 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230722_082716….png)

LOL @ you being SO MYOPIC and SOOO GULLIBLE, that you'd vote for anybody with a "clot shot" conspiracy theory


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13974b No.378810


I wonder what these pampered rich screaming brats would do if they were treated like every other average hardworking American who have been mocked, ridiculed, demoralized, censored and unrepresented by public officials and their government and the media?

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13974b No.378811


He is the only Democrat with the guts to tell the truth about all the killing and maiming done to innocent American victims of the biological weapon known as the covid clot shot killer vaxx.

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13974b No.378812

TRUTH: the clot shot was a depop agenda targeting Caucasians AND African Americans predominately in the West!!!


They wish to replace us. Just like the Indians were replaced and mostly vanished.

It's true, there is another genocide in the plans of the despotic rich oligarchy who wish to bring back hybrid-feudalism with a technocracy merger.

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13974b No.378813


Caucasians AND African Americans are targeted for depopulation because we are smarter in IQ, much more wealthy than most of the global population (overall), many of us are armed (both whites and black peoples) and thus harder to control.

The WEF/Davos/Bilderberg crowd prefer Chinese who are accustomed to slave labor, living in micro-apartments in compact mega-cities with reliance on public transit who eat mostly rice and soy - that is their model they want for the whole world and anyone standing in their way they despise!!

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a81d75 No.378814


yeah, it's been brutal down here, of course (global warming isn't real, remember? YES IT IS) but fortunately, the properties im overseeing all have central HV/AC ==and Jon's mother (who owns all the properties) recently had HVAC guys come to our place and "do some maintenance" to our system here.

little did we realize she had themcompletely replace the entire systemwith BRAND NEW EVERYTHING… top to bottom, all of the exterior equipment and interior equipment, all BRAND NEW

(and the pre-existing HVAC wasn't old to begin with, with no real problems we were aware of, so that's why we had no idea they were doing a complete reinstall)

the result ?….

it's FREEZING in here…..

the windows are all coated with an ice cold condensation layer, and we've actually experienced pains in our sinus areas, similar to "brain freeze" from drinking an ice cold Slurpee too fast

it's literally FRIGID in here, so we have to keep turning it off and letting the interior temperature "thaw out"

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a81d75 No.378815


> "Caucasians AND African Americans are targeted for depopulation because we are smarter in IQ"

so you're saying blacks and whites are equally as intelligent?

and you're saying blacks & whites have the highest IQs?


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13974b No.378816


They also desire Hispanics for much of the same reasons but they overlooked one little issue with the Hispanics: these people are deeply religious and most are Christians. I speculate the corrupt oligarchy will try to change this in some way, by use of propaganda or some kind of future brain-chemical castration vaxx.

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13974b No.378817


I said overall in general, as in the Western world. Not everyone. And that is not the only reason, again we are (overall) much more wealthy than most of the global population and in America very well armed making it much harder to subjugate the current masses. So they wish to replace us.

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a81d75 No.378818

So.. I'm guessing you haven't read The Bell Curve?

"THE BELL CURVE"is a book by Charles A. Murray and Richard Herrnstein

you should read it, trust me

they tested all races of humans extensively

and I hate to burst your bubble, dude… but…NO

NO… caucasians are NOT the smartest…

not at all

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a81d75 No.378819


RE: we are overall more wealthy etc etc etc

That had less to do with intelligence quotient, and much more to do with unfair trickery and manipulation

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13974b No.378820


Believe it or not, even many of the negros who live in ghettos are smart enough not to become indoctrinated by commie propaganda by taking huge loans to go to commie schools to be brainwashed and subverted. THE OLIGARCHY ACTUALLY HATES THAT.

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13974b No.378821



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a81d75 No.378822


hold on… I just saw somebody who claims to be higher IQ than other races make it really stupid mistake, putting his foot into his mouth I'll be right back, okay?


it's spelled NEGROES*, Einstein


I'm back…..

Sorry about that, but that's a guy who just told me Caucasians are smarter than other races, but he can't even spell simple two syllable words

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13974b No.378823


>he can't even spell simple two syllable words

You don't have to be great at spelling, as long as you can follow trends, think critically, realize what is going on and take the proper measures to mitigate that massive assault we are under, you'll be smart enough to survive what is coming. And that is the kind of "smart" the corrupt oligarchy and their crony governments do not appreciate today.

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a81d75 No.378824

I'm guessing you're aware thatyouhave a built-in specific propensity toapply a "doomsday scenario" to every aspect of life, right?…

Certainly, you are aware that everything that comes out of your brain has to include a predetermined template of Doom and Gloom and evil plots against Humanity, right?

Even when there is no evil plot.. you simply cannot construct a thought in your head that doesn't have this predictable conspiratorial template already applied to it

It's what you do

So that taints anything you present

It is a blemish on anything you say or think, because whatever topic you discuss, the listener already realizes you are going to apply your fabricated conspiracy Doom and Gloom template to whatever comes out of your mouth

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a81d75 No.378825


Well, you're actually wrong.. communication skills are the clearest indicator of one's intelligence

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a81d75 No.378826


There's a lot more to it, of course.. of course

But since the first line of interaction with another human being is the art of communication, it's easy to understand why communication skills are the one of the clearest indicators of a person's intelligence

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a81d75 No.378827

I'm not being mean and I'm not saying you're stupid

I make mistakes all the time

But I own up to them

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a81d75 No.378828

I make tons of stupid mistakes.. easily avoidable stupid mistakes

Especially as I get older.. I've definitely noticed a certain amount of fog setting in

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a81d75 No.378829

For me, the real signature of true intelligence isnot being afraid of admitting when you're wrong

Because obviously, if somebody can't admit when they wrong, they are willing to lie and deceive in an effort "not to look stupid"

They are more concerned with having the appearance of being knowledgeable, then they are concerned with actually having valid knowledge

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a81d75 No.378830

Science is an imperfect art, inherently

Because science is the process of learning, and the learning process always begins with MISUNDERSTANDINGS

Throughout the centuries, beliefs were held steadfastly, only to be disproven one step at a time, by scientific repetition and observation

They used to think the universe revolved around us

imagine how different life would be if scientists main criteria was NOT ADMITTING WHEN THEY GOT IT WRONG

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a81d75 No.378831



They are more concerned with having the appearance of being knowledgeable, THAN* they are concerned with actually having valid knowledge

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a81d75 No.378832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Science is a field of trial and error

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a81d75 No.378833

yeah, I'm not being mean… I'm not being argumentative, I'm not being confrontational


far from it

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a81d75 No.378834

File: 14bd4271de1a65b⋯.png (41.59 KB,2265x1012,2265:1012,Screenshot_20230722_091858….png)


I meant to type WHITE* PEOPLE

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a81d75 No.378835

but yeah, if you're suddenly back on the prepackaged idiotic REPLACEMENT THEORY bullshit, then isn't that a little bit "flat earthy" of you?

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a81d75 No.378838


Until the 1880s, even doctors believed disease and illnesses were all caused by MIASMA….

MIASMA was also called "night air"

they actually believed that there was "evil haunted air" that would travel around, like ghosts, and the evil air would pick a victim, and surround them, forcing the person to inhale the 'evil air', and that's how they got cancer, or toothaches, or arthritis, or male pattern baldness, or gout, or liver failure, or heart attacks…

They didn't know anything about germs or pathogens whatsoever

These same doctors also believed the evil spirits would enter your lungs and go into your bloodstream, so they had to "bleed patients", draining the evil haunted blood out of their body

That's exactly what killed George Washington

George Washington simply had a common cold, but they drained so much blood from him that he died

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a81d75 No.378839

When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, doctors still believed in evil haunted air

In fact, it was the standard scientific understanding of modern medicine at that point, so everybody believed there were invisible pockets of evil air traveling around in the wind, looking for victims

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a81d75 No.378840

Imagine how different life would be if scientists refused to admit when they were wrong

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a81d75 No.378841

When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, doctors still believed people became overweight by smelling food

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a81d75 No.378842

AGAIN: when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, the smartest doctors on Earth still believedyou became obese by SMELLING FOOD

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13974b No.378843


Vampirical pathogenic curses from blood-sucking invisible demons?…..

Yah, I know.

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a81d75 No.378844

because they were convinced all illnesses, diseases, malaise and discomfort was caused byEVIL AIR

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a81d75 No.378845

Yep….. THE BELL CURVE is a very interesting read

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a81d75 No.378846

and YES, of courseit was definitely controversial


Of course it was. They knew that when they were writing it

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a81d75 No.378847

WHITES = not the smartest at all

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a81d75 No.378848


Do you know the origin of the Nobel Peace prize?

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13974b No.378849


Anything is smarter than despotic tyrants.

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a81d75 No.378850

Nobels fredspris

Nobel Peace Prize

Created by Alfred Nobel

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a81d75 No.378851


Alfred Nobel invented gunpowder

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13974b No.378852

Americans On “Brink Of Great Disorder” Advised To “Visualize The Worst”

Hello Folks,

Over the past few days I’ve noticed a number of articles appearing the Western media like “Vladimir Putin Raises World War III Fears By Threatening To Strike NATO's 'Weakest Link”, “The US Considers Sending The Army’s Long-Range Missile To Ukraine Despite World War III Fears” and “World War 3 Will Be Fought Over Cheap Chinese Phones, It May Have Already Started”—articles that were joined today by President Putin observing: “The West is evidently disappointed that Kiev’s much-lauded counteroffensive has thus far failed to produce any results and has led to high levels of Ukrainian casualties…Nothing has helped Ukraine…Kiev has received colossal amounts of resources, including all kinds of Western weapons and thousands of foreign mercenaries and advisers, but has still failed in its campaign…Meanwhile, Ukraine has lost tens of thousands of troops in suicidal attacks against Russian defensive positions…Kiev is running out of manpower despite total mobilization raids on Ukrainian cities and villages…The Ukrainian people are increasingly asking themselves whose selfish interests their family members are dying for…The only parties interested in fueling the conflict in Ukraine are American elites and some Eastern European leaders who believe they can profit from it”.





Among the Western elites profiting from the Ukraine conflict are United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, a former board member of American defense giant Raytheon who proclaimed back in March about Ukraine’s now failed counteroffensive: “I think Ukraine will have a very good chance for success”, and former Chief of the British General Staff General Richard Dannatt, a secret lobbyist for British defense companies who also proclaimed this past March: “After Kiev’s successful counteroffensive, Vladimir Putin may be swept out of the Kremlin”—and are failed proclamations joined today by Western articles like “A Sobering Analysis Of Ukraine’s Counteroffensive From The Front”, “Why Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive Is Failing” and “Ukraine Victory Over Russia Is 'This Year Or Never': U.S. Veteran in Kyiv”.





Prussian military analyst Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), in his posthumously published book Vom Kriege, the English translation of which was published as On War, famously observed: “War is the realm of uncertainty; three quarters of the factors on which action in war is based are wrapped in a fog of greater or lesser uncertainty…A sensitive and discriminating judgment is called for; a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth” — and for “a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth” of what is really occurring in Ukraine, you can’t do better than retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Ph.D., a former top Pentagon advisor and decorated combat tactical legend who led and won the last largest tank battle of the 20th Century in Iraq, and in whose latest interview warned that aside from Ukraine being doomed, the United States and its NATO allies combined don’t have the military resources to defeat Russia.




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13974b No.378853


As for “a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth” as to why the West is using Ukraine to push the world into World War III, you can’t do better than American billionaire investor Raymond “Ray” Dalio, who founded the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, and in his just released open letter “Why The World Is On The Brink Of Great Disorder”, revealed: “I saw three big things happening that hadn’t happened in my lifetime but had happened in the 1930-45 period…That examination showed me that these three big forces—i.e. the debt/money one, the internal conflict one, and the external conflict one—transpired in big cycles that reinforced each other to make up what I call the Big Cycle”, and warningly advised the American peoples:

"We are approaching a debt/financial/economic restructuring that will lead to big changes to the financial order.

It is clear that we are headed into a type of civil war over the next 18 months.

The odds of some form of a major conflict are dangerously high.

Those who assume that things will work in the orderly ways we have gotten used in the last few decades will be shocked and probably hurt by the changes to come.

What is most important for most people is to visualize the worst. If you do that, you will be prepared for it and will probably be fine."



In Sister Ciara’s letter “America Warned Hurtling Toward Disaster As Truth Takes A Holiday” sent to you yesterday, she cited first millennium Christian author Tertullian (c. 155 AD – c. 220 AD), called the father of Latin Christianity as well as the founder of Western theology, observing over 2,000 years ago: “The first reaction to truth is hatred”—an observation that explains why the lying leftist Western media never allows “a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth” to be heard—and if heard, would mentally prepare you to take the advice: “What is most important for most people is to visualize the worst…If you do that, you will be prepared for it and will probably be fine”.



To “visualize the worst” so “you will be prepared for it”, though, you have to know the truth no matter how much it is hated, censored and banned, and even more importantly, you have to support those telling you the truth, like the Dear Sisters who’ve devoted their lives to keep truth alive so you can understand and prepare yourselves for what is to come—but whose mission of truth will fail unless you give what you can today, and if choosing not to defend the truth, George Orwell warned what you can expect: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever”.


All the best folks,



Paris, France

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a81d75 No.378854



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a81d75 No.378855


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a81d75 No.378856



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a81d75 No.378857

Pay attention.. this is actually very interesting

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13974b No.378858


Guns are tools. They can be used for good, or evil. They are great for hunting and self-defense. Self-defense is righteous. Wars for domination and global hegemony are the problem.

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a81d75 No.378859

After he invented gunpowder, he saw how weapons were being used to unfairly control people

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a81d75 No.378860

The reason white people took over was simple


cannons…. weapons

It had nothing to do with intelligence whatsoever

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a81d75 No.378861

The same way Oppenheimer lived in regret after helping develop the nuclear bomb, Alfred Nobel lived his life in regret as well

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13974b No.378862


Swords and whips were used to do the same, just less sophisticated. In good hands they can be used just just purposes. Evil humans are always the problem. Corruption is always the problem.

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a81d75 No.378863

In fact, he felt so immensely guilty, he was riddled with despondent guilt and remorse over his invention

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a81d75 No.378864


He proceed himself as being one of the biggest pieces of shit in the history of the human race

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a81d75 No.378865



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13974b No.378866


>Swords and whips were used to do the same, just less sophisticated. In good hands they can be used just just purposes

Swords and whips were used to do the same, just less sophisticated. In good hands they can be used *for just purposes.

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a81d75 No.378867



That he decided he must balance the scales of karma

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a81d75 No.378868

so he developed THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE

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a81d75 No.378869

100% TRUE

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13974b No.378870


He was not, he was a smart man.

The problem is NOT the weapons.

The problem is the bad people who have weapons.

Not that good people shouldn't have guns, they should, for self-defense and hunting.

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a81d75 No.378871

He saw what white people did to other people with his invention, and he was disgusted, because those white people were NOT necessarily more intelligent than others

They were stupid galoots, simply using his invention to unfairly control and corrupt

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a81d75 No.378872


Earlier, you told me that white people are the smartest

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a81d75 No.378873

So I educated you on the actual process behind white people taking control of the world

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a81d75 No.378874

I explained the reason why Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Peace prize, to balance the scales of historical karma, after witnessing the unfair maniacal corrupt evil use of his invention to seize control

And it had absolutely nothing to do with being Superior or more intelligent whatsoever

They simply had access to gunpowder

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13974b No.378875


Long before his time, tyrants and despots were using swords and whips to abuse, control and subjugate people. Guns or no guns, even rocks were once used as weapons.



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a81d75 No.378876


You make it so hard to teach you, because you keep focusing on your handful of predetermined topics

I'm explaining how white people seized control of the World by force, which had nothing to do with intelligence

I'm giving you a history lesson

but you think I'm talking about gun control

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a81d75 No.378877

I just debunked your theory about white people being in control because they are more intelligent

And your response is "guns don't kill people.. people kill people"

As if the topic at hand is Columbine or something

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13974b No.378878


The Nobel Peace prize today is nothing but a joke, it's been corrupted like everything else has been. A war criminal neo-con could get a "peace prize" today.

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a81d75 No.378879

Back then, anybody with a gun was a bad dangerous person.. that's how we stole the land from the Native americans.

That's how we manipulated the world..

at gunpoint..

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13974b No.378880


Serious question: if the Nobel Peace prize was still serious and non-corruptible then why did Xi Jingpin not get it for helping Saudi Arabia and Yemen end their wars and help initiate peace between the Saudis and Iranians (formerly unprecedented!) ????????

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a81d75 No.378881


I agree 100%, sir.. I couldn't possibly agree any more….

HOWEVER: I didn't tell you about Alfred Nobel to weigh the value of the Nobel Peace Prize

I just figured you probably didn't know the story behind Alfred Nobel and the reason the Nobel Peace Prize was invented in the first place

That was how I chose to illustrate my point:

white people did not become in control by being more intelligent than other people

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a81d75 No.378882


Quite honestly? I couldn't give less of a fuck about the Nobel Peace prize..

I was simply explaining the reason white people seized control, and it had nothing to do with intelligence

White people sees control by force, at gunpoint, and it doesn't take an intelligent person to hold a weapon

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13974b No.378883


You know who should get a Nobel Peace prize?

A next president who sits down with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine and works out a peace deal and treaty to end the war, and secure the interests of both nation states!

But I doubt that will ever happen!

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a81d75 No.378884

So now you finally understand how white people took their spot at the top of the totem pole

They didn't earn it

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13974b No.378885


Most white people - not the government - only want guns to defend themselves and loved ones from criminals. That's all. Most gun owners are good samaritans.

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13974b No.378886


Governments are inherently evil, they usurp power and always become tyrannical. The less government we have, the better. The more guns civilians have to defend themselves, families and private properties, the better.

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a81d75 No.378887


So feel free to show me evidence that backs up your theory about white people being so goddamn intelligent

According to you, they are all sheeple, easily manipulated by the government, sitting targets, sitting ducks, voluntarily waiting for the machine to crush them

This is the same group of people you said were so goddamn intelligent a few minutes ago?

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a81d75 No.378888


So if you're telling me all these brilliant genius white people ALLOW their governments to destroy them?

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13974b No.378889

Robert Kennedy would make a very good president. He knows right from wrong. He calls out his own party when his own party starts to usurp and abuse power. And they have done so, it's documented, so they should stop.

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a81d75 No.378890


Then I would recommend you vote for him.. if that's what you honestly believe.. then vote your conscience

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a81d75 No.378891


Unfortunately for you, he's not going to be on the ballot

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13974b No.378892


Americans have been trying their best to vent their grievances in the most peaceful way. I would hate it to come down to any other way, it would not end well for anyone.

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a81d75 No.378893


Because he's not going to be the nominee. It's not going to be RFK Jr versus anybody

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a81d75 No.378894

But that doesn't mean you still can't vote for him.. even if he's not on the ballot, you can always vote for him

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a81d75 No.378895

of course………

You can vote for an electric can opener, if you want to..

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13974b No.378896


All most people want is to be left alone, and for things to remain normal and unchanged. Why can't some of the fellow citizens figure that out yet? If some individual wants radical change, let them change their own lives in a radical way and leave everyone else and our economy alone already.

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13974b No.378897


If he can't be on a ballot then America is officially a DICTATORSHIP.

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a81d75 No.378898


I will freely admit what I don't know.. for example, I don't know if RFK Jr is planning on running as a Democrat or an independent

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a81d75 No.378899

Maybe I am wrong, but I thought RFK was a Democrat running against Biden

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a81d75 No.378900

If he's not running as an independent, he's got 0% chance of being on the ballot

In fact, that electric can opener has a better chance of being on the ballot than he does

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13974b No.378901



Let's be clear, if the American people cannot choose an outsider like Trump or another party outsider like Kennedy (who actually despises Trump) then we do not have fair elections at all, we are not being represented at all, "democracy" is a just ruse and a complete fucking fraud, it's a dictatorship from that point on! What's the point of not calling this country a one-party communist regime from then on?

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13974b No.378902


He is running as a Democrat and in fact has polled better results from voters than Biden has !!!!!!!

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13974b No.378903


TRUTH: Kennedy would be better than Trump, he is not nearly as divisive and he actually tells the hard truth about a lot of the corruption that exists, he supports peace and the US Constitution too. Unlike Trump, Kennedy is opposed to the vaccine-medical industrial complex that maims people for future profit.

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a81d75 No.378904


yeah, but that means in the end, he won't be on the ballot

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a81d75 No.378905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a81d75 No.378906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what if electricity went out everywhere? Minute by minute

I would vote REPUBLICAN this time

unless Trump is the nominee

that's the ONLY thing that would

make me vote Biden

But unfortunately, Trump is guaranteed to be the nominee

Which means I have no choice but to vote for Biden

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a81d75 No.378907

because I told you this a thousand times, but I don't know whether or not you believed me:

I'm NOT a Democrat

I'm not a democrat, and I'm not leftist, I'm not a liberal, I'm not any of those things

I'm also not a Republican or a libertarian or any of those fucking Concepts at all

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a81d75 No.378908

and I think Biden is a dweeb

YES, of course he's corrupt and of course they cut deals with you crying during the Obama Administration

YES….. duhh

But that's not the reason I don't like Biden

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a81d75 No.378909

the LAST THING ID EVER WANT would be four more years of Biden

unless the alternative is four more years of trump

TRUMP is theonlyreason I'd ever vote for Biden

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a81d75 No.378910

You might not believe me, but I didn't vote for Biden

I was just fucking with you.. pretending I voted for Biden just to push your buttons

You and Jerry's buttons

And I never got a fucking vaccine.. LOL you've got to be kidding me

I was just fucking with you guys saying I got the vaccine because it seemed to get under your skin worse than any vaccine syringe

Shit.. I have a morbid phobia of syringes. It takes eight Hospital staff to hold me down to Simply take my blood or give me a shot of any kind

And I'm not joking. All of my wives and girlfriends could testify to this fact if they were here right now

I have a morbid morbid morbid phobia of syringes

And it has nothing to do with pain

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a81d75 No.378911

I can handle pain very well. I have experienced more than my fair share of debilitating physical pain in my life, I assure you

So the pain has nothing to do with it

a morbid phobia is AN IRRATIONAL FEAR

So there's no way I can explain the source of my morbidphobia in rational terms that you would understand

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a81d75 No.378912

so yeah…………….. lol trust me, dude

If you knew me in real life, you would bust out laughing at the notion of me claiming I got vaccinated

hahahaha NO….. NO

not ME…… anybody who knows me would bust out laughing if they heard you claim I got vaccinated

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a81d75 No.378913

I go into a fight or flight syndrome as soon as I see a syringe

I have walked out of emergency rooms after signing AMA papers, acknowledging I am going against medical advice and walking out during a life-threatening Medical crisis, simply because I have a morbid phobia of syringes

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a81d75 No.378914

my mother, my brothers, my girlfriends, my wives, all of my buddies….

I've had this morbid phobia of syringes my entire life

and NOT getting a shot has been my calling card

All of my friends use me as an example when they're talking about people with phobias

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a81d75 No.378915

If the topic of phobias ever arises, they would automatically tell you, "I know a guy named Neptune who has THE WORST PHOBIA I've ever seen!"

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a81d75 No.378916

So during the 2020 elections and the covid pandemic bullshit.. I was telling you that I received my vaccinations, and I was voting for Biden…..

Both of which were completely untrue

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a81d75 No.378917

It's just more fun when you approach things from a confrontational standpoint, because it makes things more interesting

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a81d75 No.378918

You have to understand, I actually like you a lot

Believe it or not, I consider you and Jerry to be my friends, even though I have been a complete fucking asshole to you guys

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a81d75 No.378919

It's all meant in good clean fun, believe it or not

You could say I just have a hard time expressing love LOL hahaha

Or, to be more technically accurate.. you could just say I'm a fucking douchebag

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a81d75 No.378920

I have only voted ONCE in my life:


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a81d75 No.378921

However, I actually believe this upcoming election might be THE MOST PIVOTAL MOMENT IN HISTORY

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a81d75 No.378922

I've never seen higher stakes in my life

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a81d75 No.378923

so, believe it or not :

IMIGHTactually VOTE again this time

And having only voted one time in my entire life, the fact that I am actually planning on voting againspeaks volumes

And I intend on voting Republican


In which case, I would have no choice but to vote for Biden

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a81d75 No.378924

100% TRUE :

I intend on voting Republican unless it's Donald Trump

The only thing that could possibly make me vote Democrat would be Donald Trump

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a81d75 No.378925

DEVISIVE : you are absolutely correct

Because we are sitting on the edge of nuclear annihilation, and divisiveness is the last thing we need right now

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a81d75 No.378926

divisiveness is THE LAST THING WE NEED

In that, in 1961, Khrushchev said they would destroy America from within

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a81d75 No.378927

ooops !! IN FACT*

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a81d75 No.378928

Apparently, they've done a splendid job so far

Or would it be more accurate to say

we ALLOWED THEM to do an excellent job so far???

Because we are at our weakest point right now, simply because we are at each other's throats instead of standing United against exterior interference

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a81d75 No.378929

It's fair to say we have never been at this point before, literally trying to strangle each other, while a third world war slowly builds behind our shoulders

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a81d75 No.378930

I would definitely vote Republican

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is going to be the nominee

At which point, I have no choice but to vote against him

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a81d75 No.378931

Here in atlanta, the police department, The Fulton County Sheriff's office, and all of the federal law enforcement agencies with Atlanta field offices are already preparing for the upcoming arrest of Donald Trump right here in Fulton County

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a81d75 No.378932

Which is going to be comedy gold

Because believe it or not, the federal indictments don't have teeth, not when compared to the Atlanta indictments that are literally being prepared as we speak at this very moment

As you read these words, the grand jury is convened here in atlanta, and they are preparing to slam the hammer down on Trump and all of his cronies

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a81d75 No.378933

But Trump is not going to prison.. that will never happen

For no other reason than Secret Service protection

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a81d75 No.378934

And the indictments will not hurt Trump's chances, and in fact, they will actually increase his chances

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a81d75 No.378935

Because as you know, the cult of trump is delusional and irrational..

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a81d75 No.378936

and THATS the problem here:

A bunch of angry uneducated morons who actually believe Donald Trump is an angel chosen by God to fight a battle between good and evil, against a dark cabal of child rapists

( which is ironic, because you already know Trump and Epstein were very good friends, and Trump paid $330 million to silence a lawsuit filed by a woman who was 13 years old when Trump and Epstein took turns raping her)

it'sTHATkind of trailer park dedication and stupidity that presents a much darker future than a nuclear war

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4f3841 No.378996


>Democrats Deny Government Censorship By Trying To Censor A Committee On Government Censorship

They going for the total power grab.

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b04088 No.379021

America is now a communist country hijacked by despots.

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0fa728 No.380017

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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ac0b38 No.380540

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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3778d3 No.380765

bumping verified news

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3778d3 No.381749

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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05a88b No.382191

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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e02063 No.382547

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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0fa728 No.382899

Russia and China don't have to fire a shot when it comes to World War III, America will simply kill itself from within.

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006a3a No.383233

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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3778d3 No.383563

Dollar officially being dumped from world trade. Too bad. You lose.

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3778d3 No.383628

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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3778d3 No.384008

bumping factual news

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b04088 No.384191

bumping accurate news

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