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aa4077 No.378752

Dallas Texas CRIMESTOPPERS refused to pay this couple their $5,000 reward that was offered simply because they called 911 to report that they had spotted (and were following) a CHILD RAPIST !!!

that's right !! this man & wife spotted the WANTED CHILD RAPIST at a bus stop, then they followed the bus he hopped on, and called 911…

then, CRIMESTOPPERS committed fraud byrefusing to pay the reward, claiming the couple called 911 instead of the Crimestoppers Number…

here, a local Dallas Businessman stepped up to the plate, and gave them $5,000 out of his pocket…

I just called Dallas Crimestoppers, and told the young woman who answered (it wasn't her who made the decision) exactly what I thought about SHITTY FUCKING SCUMBAG DALLAS CRIMESTOPPERS!!

the woman who answered the phone is just an employee… she didn't have anything to do with the SCAM…

in fact,she is DISGUSTED with her employers….

I urge YOU to call them, too…

be polite to the woman who answers, but tell her you realize they're recording the call, and ask her if you can cuss…

(that's EXACTLY what I did, and she said "please do!!")

she is SO pissed at her bosses


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