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32fd3a No.378658

Too bad. Looks like people and businesses are sick of corrupt city politics and are bailing in droves. The future is more sprawl.

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735774 No.378660

File: 9b525a6179dcf53⋯.png (219.7 KB,1080x917,1080:917,Screenshot_20230720_153426….png)


too bad you're wrong.

We are only 7 months into the year so far, withover 103,000 new residentsin Atlanta this year

on January 1st, 2023 Atlanta's population was 6,003,000

Today, Atlanta's population is 6,106,000

you're full of shit

you simply don't have what it takes to make it in an upwardly Mobile City, and you are only comfortable when blending in with disenfranchised poverty-stricken white trash who live in trailer parks

( by surrounding yourself with other failed adults, you get to fool yourself into believing Financial failure is acceptable )

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735774 No.378661


You are simply white trash.. there's really no other way to describe it. You are a failed poverty stricken low class uneducated piece of white trash

And we don't want you in our city

We look down our noses at you and laugh

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735774 No.378662

You don't have any skills. You don't have any education. You're just a washed up menial labor who serves no purpose

It's not our fault that you never made anything out of yourself, that you never accomplished anything, that you ended up having to beg and borrow just to survive

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d62e59 No.378702

fuck the gatekeepers here, bump.

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0aaf70 No.378770


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2e375a No.379298

bumping reality-driven news

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32fd3a No.380991

bumping well documented news

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