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692c16 No.378650

Who am I? Where am I?

I have Russian citizenship and documents.

Now I am in Ukraine.

I came here before the conflict.

I also have Ukrainian citizenship.

I was born in Ukraine and have lived here for many years.

For the Ukrainian government, I have the special status of "permanently residing in Russia" ("PMZh" in Russian).

I have only an expired Ukrainian passport with the stamp "Moved to Russia".


I am in a fairly enclosed small space.

I can't leave it.

There are people who help me just to live in this place.

But they can't help with the issue of my legalization.

My local friends say:

"We have to wait for the end of the conflict. Maybe something will change. It is too dangerous to take any action now."

But who knows when this conflict will end, if it does.

And who knows if that ending will help me at all.

My opinion is that things are only getting worse in this conflict.

What do I want ideally?

I want to live in freedom.

I would like to start a full life (in order of priority):

1) in a 3rd country (not Russia, not Ukraine) with legal status

2) in Ukraine with legal status, having somehow obtained a Ukrainian passport

3) in Russia - not very desirable because of the unknown problems I may encounter after such a long specific absence.

What do I want to get out of the post?

I want to find people who are in a similar situation.

I want to get new ideas on what I can do to change my situation for the better.

And maybe bring attention to this topic in general.

I am willing to give more information and answer any questions that are not substantially related to my anonymity.


The text above this line is a rough copy of my post on 8chan:

Tor version: http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/rusua/res/1.html

Clearnet: https://8chan.moe/rusua/

Please respond better on 8chan if you are going to do that.

You can also email me: willbewaswerebeen@proton.me

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cc154d No.378655


I would recommend laying low for now. You talk about "freedom" but there is no "freedom" anymore. The US is almost as bad as Russia and China today, so is Europe and most other nations. EXCEPT for a few rural areas in some of the States…. the problem is we have no political majority, politics is corrupt to the core here and lots of controlled opposition, gatekeepers too, and the government is increasingly tyrannical so we must also lay low and out of sight. Everything is upside down in the West too.

My recommendation: lay low, do not fight for ANY government. They are all corrupt and none can ever be trusted again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

50df6e No.378665


lol @ you actually thinking OP is being serious

you're THE most gullible human I've ever seen

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50df6e No.378666



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50df6e No.378667


dude ….. you are SOOO GULLIBLE!!!


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d035c9 No.378668


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