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40b640 No.378646

World Upside Down: Past Tree-hugging Environmentalists Become Rabid Futurist Lumberjacks

Almost 16 million trees have been chopped down on publicly owned land in Scotland to make way for wind farms, an SNP minister had admitted amid a major drive to erect more turbines.

Mairi Gougeon, the Rural Affairs Secretary, estimated that 15.7 million trees had been felled since 2000 in land that is currently managed by agency Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) - the equivalent of more than 1,700 per day.

She insisted there was a planning presumption in favour of protecting woodland and wind farm developers would be expected to undertake “compensatory planting elsewhere”.

But Liam Kerr, a Scottish Tory MSP, said the public would be “astonished” at the total and cited concerns about the developments that had been raised with him “by communities all over the country.”

Scotland already has turbines theoretically capable of generating 8.4GW of power, well over half the UK’s total, but SNP ministers want to add a further 8-12GW.

The John Muir Trust, a conservation charity, has warned the new threshold for allowing wind farm companies to build turbines on wild land is so low that it appears impossible for them not to meet it.

The SNP wind power target also includes replacing existing turbines that may be coming to the end of their working life with even taller and larger versions, a process called “repowering”.

It emerged earlier this year that some developers want to erect turbines up to 850 feet tall, the equivalent of more than 60 double decker buses.

In a letter to Mr Kerr, dated July 13, Ms Gougeon said the equivalent of around 7,858 hectares of trees had been chopped down to make way for wind farms since 2000.

With an average of 2,000 trees per hectare, she said: “This gives an estimated total of 15.7 million trees which have been felled in order to facilitate windfarm development.”

“I’ve been contacted many times by rural communities all over the country questioning the location of these developments, sharing legitimate concerns not just about the visual impact but also damage to wildlife and business. Now we learn there’s significant damage when it comes to trees.”

He said ministers “must be alive” to the “significant costs” that could be incurred with the siting of wind farms.


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15f596 No.378656


…..and ?…….


HINT: it has nothing to do with trees

(a tree barely absorbs any carbon dioxide at all, and belive it or not, a tree barely produces any oxygen, either)

in fact, the amount of greenhouse gasses a single tree can absorb in 100 years is less than the emissions from a single 10 mile car trips worth of exhaust

that's right, Mr. Dropout

it would take a tree more than 100 years to absorb 10 minutes worth of auto emissions…

of course you didn't know this fact

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15f596 No.378657


It's actually a very good idea to build 850 ft tall wind turbines….

1,000 ft would be even better….

The wind is much much stronger up that high

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33bae1 No.378707

bumping essential news, fuck the gatekeeping liars and spam bots

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33bae1 No.378727


>look at me, I'm virtue signaling!

>I have no clue how wind turbines are actually made

>nor do I know anything about the energy consumption and resources used to manufacture those giant eyesores

They cannot possibly take fossil fuel consumption to manufacture the wind turbines and mine those resources needed to manufacture them, right? And if that is the case hint: it is then who is benefiting from the profits? Could it possibly be countries like China with political-affiliated special interests?

Besides, despite all those big wind turbines, America still relies heavily on fossil fuel to survive, we would not have any supply chain without it today. I don't expect you to think of these ramifications though.

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332262 No.378728


It's hilarious to me that you idiots think oil is infinite and refuse to prepare for when it runs out, but you'll stock 10,000 cans of baked beans in your basement "just in case".

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56e320 No.378737


It amazes me you believe such propaganda. The US is enriched in resources including coal and oil and even thorium which we can make energy from too. Why shouldn't we get to use it? It's our country. Too cheap for us plebs, huh? Surely we should ration our energy and pay 800% more for it, right?

You God damned right I'm prepared for this stupidity being unnecessarily imposed on us. And not just food security, everything security at this point.

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054539 No.378795

bumping official news

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15daa9 No.380013

bumping third world news

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ca0001 No.381004

bumping actual news

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15daa9 No.382058

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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2c34ab No.382320


>It's our country.

What do you mean by "our", Peasant?

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