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eef9f7 No.378623 [Last50 Posts]

Biden Regime To Ban Gas Generators As Planned Power Grid Attack Announced By State-run Media

Over the past two months, we've all seen the CIA-directed corporate media roll out stories claiming a power grid blackout is coming to America. Through predictive programming, they've already cast blame for this event on "right-wing extremists" whom the media has somehow concluded will attack power substations across the nation, plunging large regions of America into darkness.

This is all government propaganda, of course. A grid down false flag operation is being planned, indeed, but it will likely be carried out by the FBI and elements of the deep state in order to blame America's oppressed disgruntled victims. No group in America runs more terrorist operations that the FBI, the same agency responsible for the attempted kidnapping of Michigan Gov. Whitmer, the attempting bombing of a Cleveland bridge, and the J6 "fedsurrection" honey pot trap.

Now comes news that the Biden administration plans to outlaw 95% of gasoline generators sold at retail, ensuring that Americans have no access to backup generators when the power grid is brought down by an FBI false-flag attack against America.


A proposed Consumer Product Safety Commission rule limits the amount of carbon monoxide a product can emit, with the commission admitting that 95 percent of portable gas generators on the market cannot comply with its new standard. As a result, industry leaders say, the rule will prompt widespread generator shortages, as manufacturers only have six months to design generators that meet the proposed regulation. That process normally takes years…

So the Biden regime, which has already carried out an illegal coup against the United States of America, is revving up an engineered power grid blackout event while banning 95% of gas generators just to make sure nobody can generate their own electricity.

Why would the illegitimate Biden regime be planning to take down America's power grid while making sure that people can't generate their own power? And why is this rule being pushed so that it goes into effect in just six months?

Only through such extreme circumstances will most people surrender to government authority and give up their liberties in exchange for the illusion of security. When the power grid goes down, banks won't function and the internet will be offline. (Cryptocurrency won't function either, which is why it's smart to have gold, silver - any basic essentials and barter items readily available.)

The blueprint is shamelessly simple: Freeze the banks, halt the food supply, announce an emergency, then roll out CBDCs bound to food rationing permissions controlled by government.

If you don't want to starve, you'll join the government's digital money slave system which will grant you conditional permissions to purchase food as long as you don't criticize the regime or attack its sacred cow narratives such as transgenderism and climate change. Meanwhile, the Treasury can write off all dollar-denominated debt, declare the currency to be "reset" and finalize the great looting of the American people by pillaging their remaining currency assets.

What you are seeing is of-course treason, the full takedown of America, our Constitutional laws and civil rights. It is obvious the communist regime who has usurped power in America are anti-American and hate us and our freedoms.

Remember, if you can't find any generators on the shelves, that's because it's good for the planet to destroy the supply chain and deprive Americans of emergency use power devices, according to the Biden regime.


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eef9f7 No.378624


OFF-GRID EVERYTHING: Assets, medicine, food, electricity. Don't depend on central authorities to grant you permission. Have your own means: http://www.decentralize.tv/

Meanwhile. We are living in the last days of the American Empire, a nation taken over by an Anti-American suicidal freedom-hating cult. The No. 1 weapon of this falling empire - the US dollar - has been targeted for termination by most of the other powerful nations across the planet, including China, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Russia: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-07-19-global-take-down-of-the-american-empire-shifts-into-high-gear.html

It turns out that no one likes to be hit with weaponization of the currency, and with the US government regime under Biden, the bullying tactics of the American empire are convincing other nations to abandon the dollar and build their own systems for international financial settlement.

That's why next month - August, 2023 - BRICS nations are meeting and announcing what is reported to be a gold-backed cryptocurrency.


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eef9f7 No.378626

I have three. I'm buying another one very very SOON. Also will refill all my tanks. My preps are always worth it. Everyone who told me not to prepare, fuck off glowing traitors and govt-gatekeepers. Everyone in the world is seeing your evil and you are not respected at all.

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b8df31 No.378627

talking to yourself again, huh?

I'm guessing the loneliness has simply become too much for you to handle anymore….

it's either that, or maybe you're talking to the voices in your head?…

but there's NOBODY IN HERE reading your words

it's just YOU

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b8df31 No.378628


so, your life literally culminated in THIS?

Literally wasting every last breath copying and pasting stupid bullshit andpretending like people are reading your threads?

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b8df31 No.378629

I have no idea what this threat is about. I saw one or two words when I quickly glanced across the headline, but I swear to God I don't remember them anymore

I'm NOT lying…… in the short time since I started posting in your thread, I have already forgotten the one or two keywords that I glanced at in your headline…

I don't remember if it was clot shots or 5G or the moon landing

Because it's not worth looking at, it's not worth reading, and it's definitely not worth remembering

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b8df31 No.378630


I'm guessing you're totally AMPED about RFK Jr becoming president?

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b8df31 No.378631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are you aware Slim Whitman saved the world and killed a bunch of space aliens? I bet you didn't know that

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eef9f7 No.378644

1 gas

1 propane

1 solar

3 generators.

I'm actually buying TWO more after this.

Another gas and propane.

Might get a replacement solar panel for the solar one too, just to be safe.

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eef9f7 No.378654

bumping America's most reliable news source

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ae40cd No.378709

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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ae40cd No.378726

Evil knows no bounds, it's as ruthless as it is brainless.

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db01e3 No.378738

bumping America's most trustworthy news source

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35d4cf No.378803

Evil knows no bounds, it's as ruthless as it is brainless.

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9e1d57 No.379020

America is now a communist country hijacked by despots.

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9a55a3 No.379081

>>378623 (OP)

OFF-GRID EVERYTHING: Assets, medicine, food, electricity. Don't depend on central authorities to grant you permission. Have your own means: http://www.decentralize.tv/

Meanwhile. We are living in the last days of the American Empire, a nation taken over by an Anti-American suicidal freedom-hating cult. The No. 1 weapon of this falling empire - the US dollar - has been targeted for termination by most of the other powerful nations across the planet, including China, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Russia: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-07-19-global-take-down-of-the-american-empire-shifts-into-high-gear.html

It turns out that no one likes to be hit with weaponization of the currency, and with the US government regime under Biden, the bullying tactics of the American empire are convincing other nations to abandon the dollar and build their own systems for international financial settlement.

That's why next month - August, 2023 - BRICS nations are meeting and announcing what is reported to be a gold-backed cryptocurrency.


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618d2d No.379147

bumping real American news

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9e1d57 No.379185

Gone. Done. Finished & soon to be Conquered.

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9e1d57 No.379220

bumping news in a third world failed sold-out state

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9a55a3 No.379326

Evil knows no bounds, it's as ruthless as it is brainless.

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902810 No.379355

bumping popular news

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eef9f7 No.379404

bumping sane news

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4c0571 No.379441

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9a55a3 No.380041

Preparing for the collapse of America was a very smart idea!

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a58c5a No.380147

Preparing for the collapse of America was a very smart idea!

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9e1d57 No.380214

I warned everyone to be prepared for many years. Those that listened and did were the smart ones.

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f06411 No.380251

bumping actual news

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d34839 No.380418

fÿ á‚UâI¿Úû«þÓgg掕âÿ ü


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0c66bf No.380554

bumping educated news

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eef9f7 No.380599

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a58c5a No.380720

Reminder they want us enslaved or dead.

We are the carbon they want to CONTROL.

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db01e3 No.380781

bumping non-State-run news

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02f381 No.380808

File: 7a1b4abb2a7be5f⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,850x6200,17:124,chinx1.jpg)

File: 24ebb55124f9b48⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,800x7800,4:39,yellow1.jpg)


chyna is assho

nuke them all

chink spies everywhere

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e973b0 No.380813


The only way to "defeat China" would simply be to Make America Great Again, in the theory of restoring freedoms, defaulting on national debts (a debt jubilee), cutting our government in half, and backing the US dollar with silver, gold and oil reserves. This would stabilize our economy and society, cause a massive economic and population boom and make China's influence become totally moot.

But noooooooo…. Our current leaders and politicians are too fucking stupid and greedy to agree on that consensus so we're fucked.

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4c0571 No.380856

bumping back true news

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4b7ab8 No.380889


There was once an old saying, "America will never be destroyed from an outside source, if America ever gets destroyed it's because they destroyed themselves from within."

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0c66bf No.381054

bumping non-State-run news

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902810 No.381107

bumping interesting news

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db01e3 No.381137

real news bamp

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9e1d57 No.381244


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4c0571 No.381380

bumping authentic news

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4c0571 No.381556

bumping logical news

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a58c5a No.381683

bumping confirmed news

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db01e3 No.381762

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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0c66bf No.382372

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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e973b0 No.382793

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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9a55a3 No.382903

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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0c66bf No.383032


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62641e No.383239

I warned everyone to be prepared for many years. Those that listened and did were the smart ones.

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db01e3 No.383562

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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db01e3 No.383629

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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77d704 No.383693


I'm reading his threads you stupid kike.

I don't waste too much time on the chans now a days though, most of been compromised by retard kikes (or bots) such as yourself.

Learned everything I needed to the last few years though. Voting Trump in 2024.

Kinda funny the Biden's been acting though huh? Almost like he's intentionally incriminating himself? Almost like there wasn't enough existing proof of the Deep State that would hold up on court, so the white hats baited the opposition to outright steal an election, then spend 4 years baiting Biden into doing literally treasonous shit.

Can't wait until the movie reaches the end scene, huh kike?

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9e1d57 No.383717


Some people do read these threads, but not many do on this board as it's been dead and spammed up for a long time now. Don't be so sure what to expect btw, America does face enormous threats from within that could easily bring this country down and it could spiral into total collapse and chaos. These times are very dangerous today. You better be prepared for a war because, covertly, we are already in one.

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e973b0 No.383807

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e7fb28 No.383858

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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db01e3 No.383988

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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f0f9e7 No.384120

Long List Of Economic Sabotage Against America By The Biden Regime


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9e1d57 No.384195

bumping intellectual news

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9a55a3 No.384429

bumping common sense news

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4c0571 No.384585

anti-slide 067866760000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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9e1d57 No.384669

bumping factual news

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6c19b7 No.384749

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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f0f9e7 No.384812

bumping reliable news

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e63768 No.385109

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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f0f9e7 No.385466

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000078

Bad! Britain Criminalizes Dissent, First Anti-War Podcaster Arrested


Good! Fifth Circuit Court Rules Against Biden DHS & CISA Tech Censorship, Declared Unconstitutional


In a unanimous ruling, the 5th Circuit expanded bars on the Biden administration’s censorship activities, blocking the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) from any speech-policing communication with private-sector media platforms.

Biden Regime Goes Full Orwell Denying They Tried To Impose Clot Shot Mandates Which Were Blocked By SCOTUS


It was legally challenged all the way to SCOTUS and ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Can't remember that?

Republican Who Wanted To Investigate mRNA Clot Shot Health Damage Has Been Assassinated


Democrats Finally Worried About Illegal Immigration Crisis As Their Cities Are Invaded




MY COMMENT: They asked for it and now they are receiving it! How does it feel?

The Collapse Is Already Unfolding For Major American Cities: Shit Has Hit The Fan!




This Brave 14 Year Old Girl Shows The Western World What Inevitably Needs To Be Done


A 14 year old girl hung her rapist in the woods and left him to die.

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9e1d57 No.385826

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000098

Generation Z will be left with psychological scars from the cost-of-living crisis that has derailed their ability to build up savings, purchase a home, get married/start a family, and enjoy life.


EU Threatens To Block "X" (Twitter) Because Truth Is Now Allowed


MY COMMENT: Elon, let the EU block all their IP ranges! European users will just switch to using VPNs and/or Tor! It will only cause the EU bigger headaches! Let them block the IP ranges, users can and will bypass that!

As a brand new war-narrative unfolds, there’s already efforts underway to parlay the conflict into tighter controls on free speech and freedom of expression, both in person and on the internet.


MY COMMENT: Backup everything you want and need, have multiple offline storages of everything you desire. Be prepared to remove yourself from the internet soon and get adjusted to living life offline like we all once did.

Blah Blah, Neo-cons, Go Fight Your Own Wars! We Won't Be Fighting It For You!


Israel Informs United Nations To EVACUATE It's Staff and ONE MILLION Residents Within 24 Hours


Israeli Forces Using White Phosphorus In Gaza With No Mercy


Civilians charred to ashes. Remember GOVERNMENTS love to murder and are the biggest mass murderers of human history!

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said upon arrival to Beirut that more anti-Israeli fronts may be opened in the future.


Men waving a Palestinian Flag began driving erratically on the Long Island Expressway today, apparently to get nearby traffic to slow down and avoid them. Once the three lanes around them were cleared, they began doing "Donuts" with their car, tires screeching, across all lanes of the highway, bringing New York Traffic to a complete halt.


Endless WAR Will BANKRUPT The US Empire


Be prepared for the utter collapse of the Western world. It's near.

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9e1d57 No.385853

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000104

An Economic Worst-Case Scenario For The Israeli-Palestine War


Americans Remain Stuck In Gaza As Evacuation Deal Falters


100 Fortified Bulldozers Will Lead Israeli Invasion of Gaza


Massive Bomb Hits Gaza, Death Tally Unknown


At Least 12 Journalists Have Been Killed In Gaza


9 More Hostages Killed In Gaza Strikes


Democrats Want To Allow 1 Million War-torn Palestinians Into Our Country


Probably not the best idea just because many of them hate our guts and rightly so.

Russia's UN Ambassador Calls For Ceasefire In Israel-Gaza Conflict


MY COMMENT: I stand by Jim Willie's recent alert no matter how kooky he may sound!! I think Jim is SPOT ON. The news is starting to prove it! This conflict was staged by the US and Israel, not only to takeover Gaza and expand territory (that's just the icing on the cake), it was to grab & extract valuable resources within the Gaza strip, but most of all it was to throw the Middle East into another major war! The MIC (military industrial complex) gets to profit from it, so they are happy, the US and Israel get to undermine the alternative BRICS trade union and halt China's One Belt One Road project, and OPEC+ will face wars that destabilize their oil dominance and thus their entire economies! A very strategic move. All of that, AND they can mass murder those they hate, and maybe if we allow them to heck, draft undesirables into their wars. After all, you cannot easily compete with a corrupt evil Empire if endless war is right in your own backyard and you have to engage in it or defend yourself. Deliberate destabilization is what the Empire of Lies does best!

Jim Willie's Take On The False Flag Israel-Gaza War, Global Economic Warfare & Criminal Conspiracy To Upend BRICS Trade


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ae40cd No.385987

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000113

All Wars Are Bankers Wars Documentary by Michael Rivero


A senior Hamas leader tells NBC the group is willing to release all civilian hostages, foreigners and Israelis, if the strikes on Gaza stop.


A prominent Israeli Telegram channel is celebrating the bombing of the Ali-Ahli Baptist Hospital by comparing the dead Palestinian victims to hot dogs.


You can’t make this up! One of the students at @nyuniversity who ripped down posters of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists has the @ADL in her Linkedin bio. She worked for them. @JGreenblattADL


The border area between Lebanon and Israel is now an actual war zone. 30 second video below gives you a sense of how fierce it is. The Israeli Armed Forces are now attacking many areas in the Lebanon border area, some areas being hit with White Phosphorus.


Dozens of Protesters Storm Into Israeli Embassy In Amman


NYC Struggles With Spike In Tuberculosis Cases As Illegal Immigrants Spread Liberalism


War Criminal Trudeau Punishes Canadian Detective For Investigating Link Between mRNA COVID 'Vaccines' and Infant Deaths


Are You Prepared?


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9e1d57 No.386542

%S( &jkj ll lel 20 202l llswi88299

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db01e3 No.387011

t34 3424 t

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