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and shitslinging
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File: 4bc3921b5b3fc05⋯.jpg (161.45 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_07_20_13_19_44_….jpg)

c5470f No.378621

I'm a passive-aggressive coward who can't handle even the most trivial perceived adversity, whether real or not, and I cave in like a little girl every time…

Then, like a coward, i go online and literally beg other people to please demonstrate some masculinity for me…

It is my lack of masculinity, Charisma and negotiation skills that has resulted in a life void of sexual contact (with a female at least)

I don't know how to close the deal, nor do I know how to initiate a deal, because I have no life experience in the most basic elements of everyday living.

Instead of standing up for myself right there at the moment, I bottle up my frustration deep inside of me, and I sit and seethe in front of my lonely little computer…

so OF COURSE no woman finds me even vaguely attractive or even interesting for that matter….

I have chosen to live my life as a welcome mat, and allow people to wipe their feet on me

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c5470f No.378625

File: 95cc14a84189985⋯.jpg (199.97 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_07_20_13_27_08_….jpg)


I see what you did there by inverting the exclamation point

and the triangle represents the pubes

Why didn'tIthink of that ?

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