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271ffe No.378352

Good! Florida Counties Declare Covid Clot Shots Are Bioweapons, Many Will Ban The Jab

The "ban the jab" resolution passed with a majority vote in the Lee County Republican Party and will now head to Governor Ron DeSantis' desk.

This comes after a member of the Lee County Republican Party wrote a resolution for the executive committee to consider. Joe Sansone argued the risks of the COVID vaccine are not worth it.

Sansone so far as to label the vaccine a bioweapon.

"The Lee County Republican Party is going to be on the vanguard of this campaign to stop the genocide because we have foreign non governmental entities that are unleashing biological weapons on the American people," he said.


BREAKING NEWS: Trump says he's been advised he's target of US investigation into efforts to overturn 2020 election. Click for more…

The Brevard Republican Executive Committee has joined a growing list of Florida GOP chapters calling on Gov. Ron DeSantis to ban the COVID-19 vaccine, which it called a "biological weapon" in a resolution this week.

The nonbinding resolution was passed by a supermajority vote of committee membership Thursday. It now goes to DeSantis, Brevard County's legislative delegation and state party leaders, joining similar motions of support from committees in more than half a dozen other counties.


With every day that passes, it is looking more and more like the Covid vaccine is indeed a bio-weapon to kill as many people as possible over longer time periods.

“SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, they’re in the shots” reported Dr. Peter McCullough on Twitter.

“Besides variation in the amount of messenger RNA in it [COVID shots], there’s contamination with cDNA. These are little fragments of DNA that come off the manufacturing process. And one of them, Alex, you’re not going to believe this, is SV40. SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, they’re in the shots.”


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271ffe No.378353

bumping substantial everlasting real news

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f5c5c0 No.378365


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f5c5c0 No.378366

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f5c5c0 No.378368


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f5c5c0 No.378370

ðwßÚHø5ðzë[×õ© šŒz•Ú2½ýÃ*Â"ü¨É¹¿é§m_µŸ³×Á½;àÁß øLØë¤Ú¬w»~Óp~i¥?ï»3P£;¬Q–cµV¿?üGÿ ”øO ø“TÓcð·‰õ[{+™-ãÔ,ÒØÃr¨Å|ÄÝ(;[ná]¿üÿ ö”¾ ^hMÓ[ø³Æ´Û# ›d†ÛµOÿ |7–:Ò†p×á冁=ÜᢓÉoºÉ·úš ÷ÏÛcö­¸ý­þ2Câ ;[;ÃuªZi:mé]ñ¯Þ•äÚHÜògþ{W’ÙêÇò&¥ö¹æ4_û)ª6z”3¥äþÇ—ýM[ŽK?‘$Ô#wÿ ®@_Ú‘Iò>­q#ÿ ~Kÿ û-Ú–öÿ #ÝÜ×­Û'óJ-ô}2âÞGþÖòßø¼ÿ /úTgÒ´ÿ õ¯?üð­ OŒÞMñhFŸôÞóõ«vzÅƱ&ËKûˆÿ ÷—þº©ö—¾+ûÈÿ ë¤vÉL–Kˆÿ {çÈöÄþ?ðàPïö~§o'Úî5+‹»dû±G&Ç™¿/»XRjéhö„w7'›%ÇÉ

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1a6725 No.378429


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07f850 No.378455

anti-slide real news 222

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07f850 No.380010

No one should ever trust governments again, those who do are STUPID.

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