The Marxist Long March – r
Come and Hear all with ears … much is to be known. Much to be said.
Know your mark.
Be good.
Do Right.
Fight the Good Fight.
God Bless.
One day all of you will need to know these things: Marxism and its agents of Judeo-Bolshevik destruction must be Destroyed. Its worldview must be combated by one of life health and strength against the weakness death and disease that is PC modernity.
The Question is who shall rule to what ends?
Life or Death!
Marxism is of Death.
Nationalism is of Life
To the reading:
Cultural Marxism is at the Heart of Our Moral
Disintegration … Sexual
Revolution … wants to tear down the institutions that have made
and protected our country.
You may never have heard of some of them: Max
Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, who were inspired
by Antonio Gramsci. You may know a few of their
names: Herbert Marcuse, and Eric Fromm. They were
wicked men who hated Western Civilization. Most
brought their poison to the United States during the
Second World War, or shortly thereafter.
It is astonishing to think that this overtly Marxist
institute founded to undermine Western Civilization
was actually invited to move its operation (here) …
Horkheimer, assumed control of the School and began
mixing the theories of Sigmund Freud with the political
economics of Karl Marx.
But there is More so much more …
With that remember you need to know that Marxism is the core of the Modern World.
Reject Marxism. Reject the Merchant People that promote it under the guise of happiness – Perversion for Perversions sake is the mark of a given type.
With that:
Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only - Since no border no real country or nation or identity false BS about humanity is a lie.
No Border – No White America.