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File: 361a3ee3adfacc6⋯.jpg (37.85 KB,512x539,512:539,555e082fc98ceee.jpg)

0cc03d No.377927

OK, tell me the truth glow niggers. How many lost souls sold out to spyphones and their Big Tech/Pharma/Govt apps? Is there anyone who did not sell their souls to Satan still on the internet? If nuclear world war is initiated all you sell-outs deserve no less no more, God's terms.

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cd1000 No.378133


it's not OUR fault that you can't afford nice things

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8136cc No.378135

"Satan" is a jewish concept, and also not real. Get a real religion.

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5a4ab1 No.378141


religion is a subordinate concept, and is delusional voluntary psychosis slavery

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5a4ab1 No.378142



and autocorrect changed it to subordinate

ALL religions are voluntary schizophrenia

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5a4ab1 No.378143

File: 1e1a90661c11f5b⋯.jpg (368.56 KB,1080x1620,2:3,Picsart_23_07_14_13_52_56_….jpg)

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89b71f No.379710

File: dc7a36931844fa1⋯.jpg (111.09 KB,1080x1209,360:403,Waifu_516_.jpg)

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3c5875 No.379986


I agree. Kill em all.

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