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395d2d No.377557

STATE-RUN MEDIA BLACKOUT: Turns Out January 6th Riot At US Capitol Was Provocateured By Tons Of Undercover Federal Agents

Did the government's Jan 6 'Insurrection' narrative just go the way of Keyser Soze?

In his first public interview since being fired from Fox News, Tucker Carlson sat down with none other than Russell Brand on Rumble.

He began by explaining why he chose to launch his show on Twitter:

“I’m not working for Elon Musk… what he’s done is offered me is what he’s offered every other user at Twitter which is a chance to broadcast your views without a gatekeeper”

The whole interview is fascinating, but one section in particular is key, when discussed the events of January 6th.

As a reminder, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had released 40,000 hours of video footage from the riot - which Carlson had begun airing on Fox News - much of which suggested a different narrative than the craven mob of killers the Democrats and their State-run media have claimed.

“I interviewed the chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on Fox, by the way — I was fired before it could air, I’m gonna interview him again,” Carlson said.

“But Steven Sund was the totally non-political, worked for Nancy Pelosi, I mean, this was not some right-wing activist. He was the chief of Capitol Police on January 6, and he said, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents.’ What? ‘Yes.’ Well he would know, of course, because he was in charge of security at the site.”

“So, the more time has passed… it becomes really obvious that core claims they made about January 6 were lies,” Carlson explained.


"Tucker Carlson BLOWS The Doors Off January 6th LIES.

Reveals Fox News REFUSED To Air His J6 Interview Of Capitol Chief Of Police PROVING "The US Capitol Was FILLED With Federal Agents"

Tucker Describes Fox Execs Attacking him For J6 Report: “Fuck You!”

Narrative Collapse. Wow"

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson)

As The Daily Caller reports, defendant Dominic Pezzola’s lawyer, Roger Roots, argued there were “at least 40” undercover informants at the riot. Roots alleged there were eight FBI human sources embedded among the Proud Boys on Jan. 6, along with 13 undercover plain-clothes DC Metro Police agents. FBI whistleblower George Hill alleged during a February interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that the field office in Washington may have had “undercover officers” and “confidential human sources” inside the Capitol on Jan. 6.



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291d3c No.379396

bumping cerebral news

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75c966 No.380024

bumping accurate news

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1e77fa No.380998

bumping real objective news

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1e77fa No.382353

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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1cbafa No.383920

bumping real news fuck the gatekeepers

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