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File: bc63a080c7d3bee⋯.png (232.18 KB,1181x1094,1181:1094,DON_T_FALL_FOR_THIS_PROPAG….png)

6af86f No.377492

MY COMMENT: Do not fall for this blatant State-run propaganda campaign for AI control over your life unless you want to live like a total slave and be culled like cattle!! FACT: who runs all the Big Tech companies that censor, spy on and help dox their political foes!? THE SAME MOTHERFUCKERS WHO OWN THIS AI mark of the beast system!!! Boycott it, avoid it, deny it.

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6af86f No.377497


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79b00f No.377546

bumping spectacular well informed news

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79b00f No.377555

bumping real news again

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e778f3 No.377615

bumping flabbergasting news

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ea2e93 No.377746

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e2f42b No.377874

bumping confirmed news

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da6735 No.379280

pragmatic news anti-slide

fuck the gatekeepers edition 2.0

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