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File: 9558645c349ed04⋯.png (123.29 KB,945x170,189:34,263634.png)

536e6d No.377477

Enormous List Of Post-Clot Shot SUICIDES: Extremely Terrifying Trend Emerges!


Popular TV Actress Katarina Pavelek DEAD After Vax Induced Neurodegenerative Disorders


MY COMMENT: "Suicide" because they were conned by MASS MURDERERS, WAR CRIMINALS! Don't ever forget the despotic criminals who pushed for this, from governments to corporate State-run media to universities to politicians. All of them have blood on their hands and will be cast into the bowels of HELL when they die!

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5879e6 No.377479

forcing clotted people to commit suicide seems Unconstit to me

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30630b No.377480


I've read the entire Constit, and there's nothing about this that's Unconstit.

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ec0671 No.377481

which amendme of the Constit discusses having blood clots? it's TOTALLY CONSTIT

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bed82f No.377488

anti-slide ''

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ecd87c No.377493

File: 627b127744534d9⋯.jpg (76.68 KB,872x900,218:225,F0Z6NkWWYAAyuO8.jpg)


Nobody will ever believe you.

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46b446 No.377499

File: 5aa97899f8cf374⋯.png (32.26 KB,541x635,541:635,534562.png)


Not true at all, most people simply do not visit image boards anymore. I'm only on here to mirror news that's mirrored pretty much everywhere else online.

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f0eeb7 No.379257

bumping spectacular well informed news

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83ef08 No.380514

bumping common sense news

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bed82f No.381846

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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f0eeb7 No.382084

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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9430d0 No.383400

bumping rational news

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c7e9b0 No.383852

bumping proven correct news again

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5d36b8 No.384757

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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