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eb4338 No.377442

Poll Shows Most Consumers Do Not Want Government Mandating Electric Vehicles

Joe Biden's government is working on two unconstitutional regulations that would make it next to impossible for people to buy a combustion-engine car by 2032, a move that defies the foundation of free market capitalism, consumer choice.

A firm majority of the country opposes these policies, and that opposition is growing.

According to a Pew Research Center poll released last week, almost 60% oppose “phasing out the production of new gasoline cars and trucks by 2035.” Opposition has grown by 7 percentage points in just two years.

Biden’s policy would FORCE automakers to ensure that 67% of all new vehicles sold were electric vehicles by 2032.

Pew did not mention it to respondents, but there is simply no way automakers will be able to obtain all the necessary rare earth minerals needed to produce that many electric vehicles in less than a decade. Neither will automakers be able to install the charging station capacity to keep that many electric vehicles running.

If the flawed-proposed regulations do become law, the cost of both electric vehicles and combustion-engine cars will skyrocket. The cost of electric vehicles will go up as the rare earth minerals needed for their batteries rises as supply dwindles. The cost of combustion engine cars will rise because automakers won’t be allowed to manufacture enough to meet demand. It will be a completely government-created disaster.

This of-course is their long-term plan, to restrict America's freedom to travel and force people to become more dependent on an endless bureaucracy that dictates how far individuals can travel, when where and how. The very opposite freedom America has enjoyed for over 100 years today.

Be assured there is very little the deeply corrupted Congress will do to stop Biden’s costly electric vehicle mandates from being implemented. Only a new president might reverse Biden’s new anti-consumer anti-American regulations.

It is not an understatement to say that the 2024 election will determine whether or not the working class can buy a car in 2032.


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7d26be No.377475

bumping real American news

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84492a No.377544

bumping well documented news

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84492a No.377553


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ebbd88 No.379997

bumping valuable news

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8f5166 No.380534

bumping genuine third world news news

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685d03 No.382175

bumping undebatable news

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8f5166 No.382385

bumping pragmatic news

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ebbd88 No.382907

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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8f5166 No.383035


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7d26be No.383632

bumping vital news

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491f5a No.383759

bumping brilliant news

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7d26be No.384005

bumping popular legit news

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56b8e1 No.384601

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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