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File: 7ba3c5ab523f382⋯.png (3.29 MB,1878x713,1878:713,sigecempa.png)

df5c98 No.377285

ᛋᛁᚷᛖᚳᛖᛘᛈᚪ Translate the runes and build him an alter in your home or in a grove. Offer Mead, beer and cooked pork. He is a lieutenant of Freyr and he asks you to disavow political violence, find employment in one of the skilled trades and raise as large family. Solutions lie in strong nuclear families and networks between families that share our values. Old gods are filling the vacuum, most of them do not have your interest in mind. Choose to make offerings to ᛋᛁᚷᛖᚳᛖᛘᛈᚪ and Freyr in these dark times and honor all the Germanic gods.

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7911cf No.377287

75 day3s

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7911cf No.377288

File: 32e7684cb57aa49⋯.png (163.71 KB,701x315,701:315,75_Days_7_1_2023_1_.png)

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