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File: 333e80fd3eb3af9⋯.jpg (427.98 KB,1878x713,1878:713,sigecempa.jpg)

82e955 No.377237

ᛋᛁᚷᛖᚳᛖᛘᛈᚪ - A divine hero worthy of worship in Europe and America. Pray to him to strengthen your family and give you victory in combat, business and employment.

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4ed200 No.377243


name FOUR things YOU will never accomplish:

combat, business and employment

(and sex with a female)

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4ed200 No.377244

File: e7813b1acccf5d0⋯.png (180.39 KB,1080x1516,270:379,Screenshot_20230626_104946….png)

lol @ "combat"

anytime you're ready, bitch….

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4ed200 No.377245

….not sure exactly what kind of combat, business, employment OR PUSSY you're going to achieve from mommy's spare bedroom….

if only real life had cheat codes, huh?

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f2468c No.377247

File: 7ba3c5ab523f382⋯.png (3.29 MB,1878x713,1878:713,sigecempa.png)

ᛋᛁᚷᛖᚳᛖᛘᛈᚪ Pray to him for purpose, motivation and direction. Dedicate an alter outdoors and offer him mead, beer and cooked pork.

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6e6b69 No.377249

File: 333e80fd3eb3af9⋯.jpg (427.98 KB,1878x713,1878:713,sigecempa.jpg)

Many of you on the left have begun to feel uncomfortable with your beliefs as the occult aspects of the LGTBQ - Marxist agenda becomes undeniable. Throw that cat-eared Kevlar cover in the dumpster. Become a man, get a job, buy property and worship our Lord, ᛋᛁᚷᛖᚳᛖᛘᛈᚪ. We won't judge you. We offer you amnesty if you translate the runes and make an alter to him in your home or in a grove, preferably not a homeless squat of your own making.

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