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File: 3e3d1f0ad0eb25a⋯.jpg (71.92 KB,894x868,447:434,fasces.jpg)

e792b8 No.376982

I am so annoyed, angry and unhappy. The internet is so boring. Video games are boring. Imageboards are boring. Forums are boring. Debates are boring. There's nothing to do and nobody to do it with.

I want to do something valuable that actually results in positive change/creation, but it's really boring doing it alone. Also, judging by every single imageboard and forum I've ever seen, nobody would join in even if I spend a lot of time on it before looking for other people.

Entertainment and irl activities do not count. I live in a leftist city, I'm not going to pretend I can do anything to make this city less shitty.

I want to do these things with someone:

>summarize every holocaust story, writing down important claims (they did xyz at camp abc, etc etc) to find contradictions

>create AI that makes people more free by way of understanding the law and how it has historically been applied - starting with individual fields

>create AI that does other things like psychiatry, medicine, etc, to fight government-mandated middlemen and make people more free

>translating/cataloguing fascist/futurist things (ACTUAL fascism, mussolini, gentile)

>create a "wikipedia" that only uses actual evidence as sources, aka "primary sources", to show people how little of history is actually provable, and to understand how much of history is lies. currently, when people write about history, they never attempt to prove anything, their sources are usually just "this other historian said it" instead of any actual proof.

>gather together all supposed evidence of the holocaust

>gather together all supposed evidence, times X happened, of *insert thing here* (election fraud, antifa riots)

>make/spread memes/etc for SPECIFIC issues, topics, other things, keep a 4chan general for it active and up at all times

>create memes that are intended to spread specific ideas for the sake of specific goals (ex: make "actually, THIS is how to make medicine cheaper" memes/etc and spread them to places/people where it'd somehow have a chance at making an impact)

>nonpolitical but valuable things like giving AI various aspects of intelligence, productivity programs that give people routines, etc

If anyone wants to do these things with someone, reply to this post and we can do them. I want to do them now, in real time. We can have a continuous conversation as we do it. It can be a new form of online activity. Fun and valuable.

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f65b16 No.376983



you're homosexual

But you don't know it yet

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f65b16 No.376984




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f65b16 No.376985


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f65b16 No.376986

any other pleas for help?

or was that your entire repertoire?

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f65b16 No.376987



the thread

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f65b16 No.376988

Ive NEVER been bored for more than 5 minutes at a time



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f65b16 No.376989

You mentioned the internet, video games, image boards, forums, and DEBATES…..

But I couldn't help but notice you didn't mention anything about GETTING PUSSY

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f65b16 No.376990


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f65b16 No.376991

So….. Are you REALLY so dumb, that you can't figure out ONVIOUSLY, YOURE DOING SOMETHING WRONG

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f65b16 No.376992

The problem isn't THE REST OF THE WORLD

because I'm getting my dick sucked every night…. Unlike you, I'm not bored at all

Nor do I care about any of the things that interest you


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f65b16 No.376993

so obviously, YOU are not the type of guy women want to fuck

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f65b16 No.376994

I wonder if it has anything to do with YOUR STUPID PREDICTABLE, UPTIGHT, CONTROL ISSUES

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f65b16 No.376995


because you're weak

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f65b16 No.376996

and there's no woman who lets you "control" her pussy

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f65b16 No.376997

So you overcompensate

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f65b16 No.376998



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f65b16 No.376999

NOBODY let's YOU be the boss

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f65b16 No.377000

So instead of "bossing a woman's pussy around", you sit there and fixate on controlling external people and situations

Basically, you want to fantasize

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f65b16 No.377001

And you want somebody else


to fantasize with you

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f65b16 No.377002

how romantic

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f65b16 No.377003

but your list of fantasies included no women

There was no listed desire to have a woman in your life

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e792b8 No.377004

is this entire board just that one faggot




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f65b16 No.377005



the internet


image boards


debating with other misfit lonely males


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f65b16 No.377006


see how easy I made that?

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f65b16 No.377007

the internet


image boards


debating men

so… your "extensive life journey" consists of being an isolated dork staring at a computer?


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f65b16 No.377008

lol you have EVERY REASON to be angry and unhappy

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f65b16 No.377009


Dude, I watched an entire 2 hour movie today with my dick in my wife's mouth the ENTIRE TIME

lol videogames

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f65b16 No.377010


So……… You don't EVER get any pussy at all… No interest in it…

But you call MARRIED MEN "faggots"??…


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f65b16 No.377011


Like I said earlier, sit

you're definitely homosexual

But you haven't gotten that far yet

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f65b16 No.377012

you're OBVIOUSLY not comfortable with women

Because ALL of the interests you mentioned

Involve you and other men

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f65b16 No.377013

…and with each passing day

You become even LESS comfortable with women

And your chances grow less

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f65b16 No.377014

with each day, your chances of finding a female emotional and sexual life companion grow smaller

While your 'confort zone' with other men grows bigger

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f65b16 No.377015

but you never mentioned any interests involving a chick sucking your dick

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f65b16 No.377016

hence, your repressed frustrated closet homosexual desires

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f65b16 No.377017

I didn't stutter……….

AGAIN: you're homosexual

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