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d82c31 No.376900

12 Things You Can Do To Become More Resilient and Survive the Collapse of the Western World

There’s little question that globalist actors are hell bent on mass extermination of the human race. What’s both horrifying and fascinating is that while most human beings are rather easy for globalists to (slowly) kill, a minority of individuals can make themselves very difficult to exterminate by taking specific actions that achieve resiliency.

Redundancy is a key concept in resiliency planning, and in the twelve steps outlined below, you’ll notice a lot of them focus on resiliency. If you follow the steps outlined below, you will be hard to kill. You’ll be difficult to starve out, difficult to bankrupt, difficult to trap and difficult to silence.

Twelve things to apply that will make you a resilient survivor:

1) Get some of your assets out of the fiat currency debt-based monetary slave system, because that system will crater (and it’s rigged anyway). Become proficient in using gold, silver and crypto as means of exchange, because those assets are more “honest” in the sense that no government can artificially inflate their supply. (No government can print gold, silver or Bitcoin, in other words.)

2) Relocate far from the “death zone” cities, many of which will be non-survivable. Move to a local area that reflects the culture and rule of law you wish to live within. Things are about to get very local, so you should pick a local living area that reflects philosophies of resiliency, self-reliance, honest, compassion and the right to self-defense.

3) Keep your passport up to date in case you need to seek a new destination around the globe. Have a crypto wallet where you have memorized the seed phrase so that you essentially have a “brain wallet” that you can access from anywhere. Use privacy coins that are untraceable to protect your privacy and avoid crypto confiscation attempts. Use crypto swap aggregation sites like SwapSpace.co to trade BTC into privacy coins. Watch for an upcoming announcement about my new Brighteon show focusing on decentralization solutions for humanity.

4) Become proficient in secure, private messaging technology. Deploy the Session app. Learn and deploy privacy crypto (Monero, FIRO, etc.). Learn about Apricorn thumb drives with keypad encryption. Also make sure you acquire sat phones (a sponsor) and radio comms as alternative means of communication that don’t rely on cell towers and can’t easily triangulate your physical location.


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d82c31 No.376901


5) Practice dressing down. Discard signs of visible wealth or abundance. Don’t live a flashy lifestyle. Toss flashy jewelry. Move out of your McMansion. Don’t drive a luxury vehicle. Don’t flash cash or gold. Embrace the “grey man” philosophy. Blend in with locals.

6) Store food and learn to grow food so you can be ready for the coming food rationing. Learn how to grow food in a way that isn’t immediately obvious to everyone (guerilla gardening). Stock up on necessary supplements like vitamin D and zinc. Acquire non-GMO garden seeds. Learn food preservation techniques such as canning or drying.

7) Learn a means of self-defense and become proficient in it. The easiest tool to master is a firearm, and the easiest firearm to learn is a rifle. Pistols are much more difficult to deploy and require far more training than using a rifle. (Sight picture, eye dominance, recoil control, etc.) If you don’t know what to buy, get an AR-15 and a Glock 19. Consider acquiring ballistic armor (see HopliteArmor.com) if you anticipate violence targeting your household or community.

8) Be prepared to have your location overrun and have a backup supply of critical items at another location. (Bugout plan.) Be ready for the Marxist / communist “Activation day” scenario. Have enough supplies at your bugout location so that you have a chance at retaking your home, farm or community buildings if they are initially overrun. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you will never have to retreat from your house, ranch or city. There will be many refugees across America who are fleeing collapsed cities and regional kinetic conflict. This is why having a crypto “brain wallet” is critical because it cannot be detected nor confiscated from you.

9) Secure a reliable water supply at both your primary and secondary location. Water scarcity is an easy means of control to subjugate the population. A reliable water supply requires water treatment solutions such as a gravity filter or a high-quality pump filter / camping filter. Have a plan to acquire and filter water without using electricity. Consider surface water, well water and rain water. Make sure you prepare water storage at both your primary and secondary locations.


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d82c31 No.376902


10) Stock up on off grid emergency medical supplies and first aid items. Many will be nearly impossible to acquire after the collapse kicks in. Specifically look at prescriptions (including antibiotics), ivermectin and antiseptic supplies such as povidone iodine. Related: Natural News is launching a new telehealth partnership that gives you access to licensed doctors who can write needed prescriptions where medically necessary: https://naturalnews.com/telehealth

11) Maintain your physical fitness with cardio and strength training, to be ready for the harsh physical realities of surviving a collapse (and working a garden). Bone density is essential for resilience and survival. Stamina will be required for the heavy physical demands of “collapse living.” Anything you can do right now to increase strength, endurance and bone density will pay off in the years ahead.

12) Practicing living without electricity. Although a total power grid failure may never occur, we do expect regional, intermittent outages that could instantly plunge many areas of the country into darkness. Without electricity, water pumps stop working. Gas stations shut down. Retail establishments cannot function. Refrigerators and freezers halt, and air conditioning grinds to a halt. There are ways to live without electricity, but none of them are convenient or easy. Plan to deploy solar charging devices to provide trickle charges for small electronic devices such as cell phones and flashlights, but also plan for local cell towers to stop functioning for extended periods.


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76bee4 No.376929

let's see if it's really 12

1: drop out in the 10th grade, unable to spell one-syllable words they trid to teach you in the 1st grade

2: embrace the fact that youll never achieve anything worthwhile

3: find a menial labor grunt job

4: hear demonic voices whispering in your head

5: blame the voices on marijuana

6: become an alcoholic

7: spend your life pretending you are smarter than other people, with copied and pasted garbage conspiracy theories

8: continue the alcoholism and conspiracy garbage in an empty chatroom

9: beg your daughter to please let you move into her house and systematically destroy her marriage and the quality of her life by being a huge unwanted burden



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76bee4 No.376930


sorry, but you only accomplishedNINEthings

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e33c16 No.376936


>pretending you are smarter than other people

There are no smart people here except for me. Have a nice real news bumparoo.

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a67a6b No.376937


RE: you running away

10 Things

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3b256f No.376948


I do not stay on shit boards like these for very long, it would be a waste of my time.

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93217a No.378336

bumping censored news

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f32321 No.378422

anti-slide 089`3009-0909

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37bf8d No.378456

Better be ready, America is collapsing as I type.

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fe4423 No.378511

Stalin could not have planned it better.

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e93055 No.378545

anti-gatekeeper bump

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e93055 No.378576


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b243fe No.378697

anti-slide 55

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b243fe No.378722



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4b1b80 No.378787

Prepared for SHTF years ago, fuck all the gatekeeping liars.

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fe4423 No.379207

bumping real life news

ready or not

the collapse is near

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fe6ca7 No.380513

bumping non-bias news

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fe6ca7 No.381033

bumping essential news

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50bd70 No.381089

bumping valuable news

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cb6e6f No.381372

bumping valuable news

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cb6e6f No.381610

bumping accurate news

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ef6191 No.382184

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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5c66d8 No.383904

bumping back essential news

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e93055 No.383989

bumping legit news

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cb6e6f No.385221

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000078

Bad! Britain Criminalizes Dissent, First Anti-War Podcaster Arrested


Good! Fifth Circuit Court Rules Against Biden DHS & CISA Tech Censorship, Declared Unconstitutional


In a unanimous ruling, the 5th Circuit expanded bars on the Biden administration’s censorship activities, blocking the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) from any speech-policing communication with private-sector media platforms.

Biden Regime Goes Full Orwell Denying They Tried To Impose Clot Shot Mandates Which Were Blocked By SCOTUS


It was legally challenged all the way to SCOTUS and ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Can't remember that?

Republican Who Wanted To Investigate mRNA Clot Shot Health Damage Has Been Assassinated


Democrats Finally Worried About Illegal Immigration Crisis As Their Cities Are Invaded




MY COMMENT: They asked for it and now they are receiving it! How does it feel?

The Collapse Is Already Unfolding For Major American Cities: Shit Has Hit The Fan!




This Brave 14 Year Old Girl Shows The Western World What Inevitably Needs To Be Done


A 14 year old girl hung her rapist in the woods and left him to die.

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ef6191 No.385475

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000080

NATO Web Site Op-Ed Calls For "Limited" Nuclear War!


MY COMMENT: This is suicidal stupidity and arrogance at it's finest! There is NO SUCH THING as a "limited" nuclear war. Once one nuke is deployed against one country, other nukes will start flying off to annihilate adversaries all over the globe! Life as we know it would be changed forever! No going back. EMPs would knock out the internet and the entire power grid, and we'd be going back to the STONE AGE!!! Might as well prep those pistols to blow your miserable brain out your thick skulls at that point because all the modern luxuries we take for granted in a semi-civilized modern society would be GONE!!!

71% Of Americans Don’t Trust The US Government To Prevent Doomsday, Collapse Of America


US politics continue to be a chaotic subject, and a new poll finds the majority of Americans are rapidly losing faith in their country’s leaders.

A disturbing expose shows how the US federal government is supporting the world’s biggest child trafficking ring with a steady stream of migrant children.


What’s wrong with the federal government spending enormous amounts of money that it doesn’t have? Giving money to drunken sailors is not a good idea. Giving money to tyrants is an even worse idea. Enriching government apparatchiks allow them to create all sorts of ways to strip you of your civil liberties, such as banning basic appliances, making you buy things you don't want as opposed to things you really need and forcing you to be injected with experimental drugs in violation of the Nuremberg Treaty. Not to mention the illegal censorship and constant surveillance of upset citizens. The more money they have, the more trouble they cause.


People get confused about what inflation is. Inflation is devaluation of the currency. The United States doesn’t “just print money” as many suggest. It sells bonds. In a vast, growing and vibrant economy selling bonds to finance the government is not in and of itself bad. What’s bad is government waste and how counterproductive it is to growth. Government spending does not stimulate the economy. Indeed, in many instances the economy would be better off if the government borrowed money and then created a huge bonfire and burned it all on Pennsylvania Avenue. That’s because much of government spending creates perverse incentives. The more money the government takes, the less there is for the private sector; over regulation and perverse incentives mushroom until the economy cannot keep up with all the borrowing. The government’s access to the private sectors’ hard-earned money is an aphrodisiac. It can’t stop spending. Sooner or later, it always happens, the government devalues the currency and then it is goodbye America and hello Venezuela.


It's All Coming Down!


Welcome to Fedworld where most market decisions are nothing but bets on what the Fed will be doing next with its free money for millionaires.

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fe4423 No.385728

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000098

Generation Z will be left with psychological scars from the cost-of-living crisis that has derailed their ability to build up savings, purchase a home, get married/start a family, and enjoy life.


EU Threatens To Block "X" (Twitter) Because Truth Is Now Allowed


MY COMMENT: Elon, let the EU block all their IP ranges! European users will just switch to using VPNs and/or Tor! It will only cause the EU bigger headaches! Let them block the IP ranges, users can and will bypass that!

As a brand new war-narrative unfolds, there’s already efforts underway to parlay the conflict into tighter controls on free speech and freedom of expression, both in person and on the internet.


MY COMMENT: Backup everything you want and need, have multiple offline storages of everything you desire. Be prepared to remove yourself from the internet soon and get adjusted to living life offline like we all once did.

Blah Blah, Neo-cons, Go Fight Your Own Wars! We Won't Be Fighting It For You!


Israel Informs United Nations To EVACUATE It's Staff and ONE MILLION Residents Within 24 Hours


Israeli Forces Using White Phosphorus In Gaza With No Mercy


Civilians charred to ashes. Remember GOVERNMENTS love to murder and are the biggest mass murderers of human history!

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said upon arrival to Beirut that more anti-Israeli fronts may be opened in the future.


Men waving a Palestinian Flag began driving erratically on the Long Island Expressway today, apparently to get nearby traffic to slow down and avoid them. Once the three lanes around them were cleared, they began doing "Donuts" with their car, tires screeching, across all lanes of the highway, bringing New York Traffic to a complete halt.


Endless WAR Will BANKRUPT The US Empire


Be prepared for the utter collapse of the Western world. It's near.

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fe4423 No.385856

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000101

UNTOLD HISTORY: They Used A Lot Of Arson For Their Last Great Reset


See pictures of OLD American cities that were burned down before being re-built into modern cities!

Jim Willie Talks About Coming Economic Collapse, Mossad-Hamas False Flag Taking America Into World War III


Israel Delays All-Out Assault On Gaza Amid Growing International Pressure, As Civilians Flee To South


LOL @ Drudge Report state-run shills still posting the SAME PROPAGANDA 2 DAYS IN A ROW without updates or any correction to already exposed LIES!

Aftermath Of The Attack On Rafah In The Gaza Strip


In 2007, It Was George Soros Who Called for America & Israel To “Open The Door” To Hamas


Former Congressman: Hamas Was Created By Israel And The US To Counteract Yasser Arafat


Geo-politics Expert Martin Armstrong Reveals US Involvement With Israel And Hamas


Biden Claimed He Saw “Confirmed Pictures” of Hamas Beheading Children Turns Out A COMPLETE LIE


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fe4423 No.386418

Interest On US Debt Skyrockets Above $1 Trillion For The First Time Ever


Israel-Hamas Conflict May Threaten EU Energy Security


Netanyahu Faces Massive Political Dilemma, May Have Miscalculated War Against Gaza


US Politicians Never Thought Ukraine Could Lose. Could Israel Face The Same Conundrum?


The non-Western world majority has turned sharply against Israel — even more sharply than it turned against the US in its war on Russia through Ukraine. Yet Western media continue to manufacture and inhabit a bubble completely divorced from moral and strategic reality.

Al Jazeera Censored Video of Critic Who Said Saudi–Israel Normalization Would Be “Suicide” For MBS


MY COMMENT: Yemen remains the biggest headache for Saudi Arabia, if they could get Russia or China to convince Yemen to stop firing missiles at Israel they wouldn't have this problem, but Yemen might decide to retaliate by striking the oil rigs if the Saudis keep intervening in their affairs.

Qatar is currently mediating negotiations between Israel and Hamas for the potential release of between 10 to 15 more hostages in exchange for a short ceasefire, it was reported today.


Israel To Buy Back Iron Dome Air Defense Batteries From US?


NewsGuard is a for-profit fact checking organization backed by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teachers union and the US government. In late October 2023, Consortium News sued NewsGuard and the US government for defamation and First Amendment violations, arguing the fact checker colluded with US intelligence to suppress foreign policy dissent.


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e93055 No.387007


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e6a933 No.387137


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ef6191 No.387271

anti-slide 21847

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ef6191 No.387437


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