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File: a55b33e889c865e⋯.jpg (293.25 KB,1080x1728,5:8,Picsart_23_06_20_08_29_09_….jpg)

de418d No.376845

connect the Blackheads, and it makes a map of America's Interstate System.

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de418d No.376846

File: 9a9b062800e47b1⋯.jpg (128.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1.jpg)

in 41 days, I turn 33 years old, and I've never paid rent in my life.

instead of working and supporting myself, I have been gardening.

I've got a Blackhead Garden growing in my greasy face.

I'm also raising a blackhead farm on my back and on the rest of my body.

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de418d No.376848

File: ce1ca8fde696665⋯.png (1.5 MB,1080x1986,180:331,Picsart_23_06_19_18_12_08_….png)

look at the blackhead crop I've raised so far

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de418d No.376854

File: aa9b091a62a6a45⋯.png (1.35 MB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230619_175626….png)

don't confuse my bacteria farm with acne… that would be an insult. I worked hard to never bathe.

I'm 32 years old, and I don't have acne.

these are BLACKHEADS…

these are dark festering pits of black bacteria, fungus, dead skin cells and sebum.

it's MY GARDEN….



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de418d No.376855

File: 6d147345f6dc250⋯.png (1.54 MB,1080x1986,180:331,Picsart_23_06_19_18_00_21_….png)

teenagers get acne, but not 32 year Olds

so I had to bend over backwards yo avoid soap and water

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de418d No.376856

File: 19fa7a00779d534⋯.jpg (245.49 KB,1000x1442,500:721,Picsart_23_06_19_20_23_03_….jpg)

do you like my bacteria garden?

that makes me HAPPY

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de418d No.376858

File: ebb788830034ace⋯.png (3.67 MB,4379x2525,4379:2525,Picsart_23_06_19_20_39_26_….png)

having people admire my bacterial BLACKHEAD CROP puts a huge smile on my face

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de418d No.376859

File: 492e4e7c17b1ed2⋯.jpg (96.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_4.jpg)

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de418d No.376860

File: 90392231555461b⋯.jpg (424.32 KB,1080x1642,540:821,Picsart_23_06_19_20_41_12_….jpg)



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de418d No.376861

File: b75f88e7157be9c⋯.jpg (299.04 KB,1000x1520,25:38,b75f88e7157be9cf76480e071f….jpg)

soap and water would destroy my garden

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de418d No.376863

File: 6267faa4ebc074c⋯.jpg (149.09 KB,925x582,925:582,finalmap.jpg)

in honor of the 4th of July

my facial blackhead bacteria garden is a tribute to America's Interstate System

connect the dots

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de418d No.376865

File: 5093bfbf9416e28⋯.jpg (505.28 KB,1080x1728,5:8,Picsart_23_06_20_08_57_07_….jpg)





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de418d No.376868

File: d49bf15108f4af6⋯.jpg (118.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2.jpg)

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