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File: 9a3c777722f6203⋯.png (463.63 KB,1295x860,259:172,232424.png)

183e6b No.376730

You have two to three more years to prepare for another world war. The world war is already staged by governments in advance with an agenda and goal: the demise of the Western world and pivot to the East for a new global digital reserve currency status tied to social credit scores and clot shot passports following the next great plandemic bioweapon release after the third world war. Europe will suffer most of the deadly devastation. America will suffer the loss of superpower and global reserve currency status, being defeated alongside Europe and NATO, and will become third world with localized balkanization and rivalry as Americans flee the devastated cities. There will be various rag tag local salvaging and bartering economies for some time afterwords in America, due to our long-standing armed and rebellious cultures. As for Europe, subjugated and dependent upon the BRICS nations to recover, in which all freedom and sovereignty will be past relic only to dream about. Israel, India, Russia and China will benefit greatly, financially and militarily. Israel will continue setting up more and more embassies within Eastern nations before the planned and staged world war. It is up to you whether or not you wish to be pawns of this war. Plan ahead while you have been given the heads up.


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