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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: 3ffd36d8937f68c⋯.jpg (80.08 KB,850x1000,17:20,1682153764237996.jpg)

477cff No.376617

Hello brothers,

A bunch of political boards on 8chan are in dire need of anti-glowies and patriotic, nationalistic anons to counter the amount of leftycuck shills and shit stirrers

Come help us out at the following boards:




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bcd6fd No.376625


lol @ "brothers"….. wow

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bcd6fd No.376626

File: efd7c573b6be7e2⋯.png (628.79 KB,1080x1515,72:101,Picsart_23_06_16_10_27_27_….png)




a BUNCH of "political" boards, huh ?….

on THIS empty website??


so… You're new here, huh?

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bcd6fd No.376627

File: 233a43bf9ad1d06⋯.png (881.12 KB,1080x1515,72:101,Picsart_23_06_16_10_28_44_….png)


LOL @ "8CHAN"……..

8CHAN, HUH?…..


this hasn't been called 8chan since 1987

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bcd6fd No.376628

File: 0309253faa9ebfe⋯.jpg (100.56 KB,1080x1271,1080:1271,Picsart_23_06_16_10_20_36_….jpg)


so you got banned from 4chan

and you came here……

thinking this was your safe haven

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bcd6fd No.376629

File: 450bdeb99d49b29⋯.jpg (132.07 KB,1080x1271,1080:1271,Picsart_23_06_16_10_22_55_….jpg)

you came running for cover……..

to "8chan"……..


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bcd6fd No.376630

File: 7a7f0590f0a89b1⋯.jpg (155.28 KB,1080x1271,1080:1271,Picsart_23_06_16_10_24_57_….jpg)

to create one of a "BUNCH" of boards..

"political" boards……

a bunch of political boards……

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bcd6fd No.376631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hold, please……

I have to make a quick call

to this chick I met

back in the United States

BRB, fag

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bcd6fd No.376632

File: fad5affb5a8d3fc⋯.jpg (244.72 KB,1080x1356,90:113,Picsart_23_06_16_10_44_16_….jpg)

I'm back

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bcd6fd No.376633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


speaking of your political opinions :

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bcd6fd No.376634

File: 30c9003cdd69777⋯.jpg (166.48 KB,1266x940,633:470,Picsart_23_06_10_18_47_07_….jpg)

welcome to /pnd/

this is the cure for your opinions

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