So now that the intel has been put together we can focus on the agenda and objective of the 9/11/2001 American coup and current criminal occupation of a subverted government. They looted trillions of dollars through grift via bogus "national security" and military industrial complex spending, much of that money has gone missing, even according to Congressional and internal Pentagon investigations. Mass fraud, grift and corruption has left the United States and it's vassal state 'allies' fiscally insolvent. WORSE. They have further plans for the US and it's vassal states in Europe. They desire a "Great Reset" (aka "you will own nothing" in there memoir) where they disarm everyone, confiscate public wealth, seize private property and force relocate the masses as slave labor cattle into dystopian high-surveillanced cell block mega-cities. How do they intend to do that? Well they need to collapse the current world order first, destroy the supply chains, they need people desperate and begging for governmental intervention. Here is where Russia and China come into this theater… they're being set up as the scapegoats! The ones to blame for everything done to us, the whole coup. In order to get the dumb down masses to buy into this narrative they need to get us into war with Russia and/or China!!! They NEED a scapegoat boogieman to scare the sheeple public into the hands of wolves! They're trying to get Russia and China to take the bait. And if they won't take the bait, how convenient these same criminal wolves have warned us about massive cyberattacks that can take down the supply chain and banking system in the Western world. And who do they blame it on BEFORE IT HAPPENS!? Of-course! …Russia and China.
Now if you want to save this nation you best start informing people ASAP, far and wide. The occupation is already here, America has already been usurped. Either we wake people up and resist this, or we will all die in mass unrest and economic collapse that will make the Iraq war look like a fucking picnic on our own soil.