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08f772 No.376518

California Senator Tells Parents To Flee State Amid Despotic Bill Allowing State To Kidnap & Mutilate Children

A California state senator told a gathered crowd of parents at the California Senate Judicial Committee to flee the state on June 13 during a hearing on a bill which would put parents who don’t affirm their child’s “gender transition” (another word for child sex grooming and genital mutilation) in danger of child abuse charges.

Sen. Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, is one of the two lone Republicans on California’s Senate Judiciary Committee, and he has served in the California Legislature for 11 years. He was also the lone voice warning against language in AB 957, which a Democratic senator had amended on June 5 to rewrite the California Family Code to list “gender affirmation” alongside a child’s need for “health, safety, and welfare.”

I’m now in year 11 in the state legislature, and all the time we’re proposing policies to protect children. After 11 years, I’ve come to the conclusion that we need to start protecting parents.

That’s just not happening.

I’ve been here and witnessed a full frontal assault on charter schools, taking away parents’ choice in how their children are going to be educated to the detriment particularly of children of color.

In recent years, we have put government bureaucrats between parents, children, and doctors when it comes to medical care—and now we have [AB 957] where if a parent does not support the ideology of the government, children are going to be taken away from the home…

The plague of subversion, tyranny and oppression in America today has not been witnessed since the Soviet Union to be clear.

“In the past when we’ve had these discussions and I’ve seen parental rights atrophied—I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting,” the senator added. “I’ve changed my mind on that.”

“If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee,” he said.

The panel of Democratic committee members all echoed their support for the bill, though some had concerns over the ambiguous description of “affirmation” and what it constituted.

“It’s about listening to our children, it’s about accepting them for who they are,” said Sen. Anna Caballero, D-Merced.

A wide range of residents testified against AB 957, far outnumbering supporting voices. While both sides presented two prepared witnesses, only 17 attending individuals voiced their support for the bill, and over 100 California residents testified against AB 957 (either in person or via phone calls broadcast to the Senate chamber).

Two parents brought forward harrowing testimonies about their experiences with raising children claiming to be transgender and voicing concerns over AB 957’s overreach.


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acb326 No.376549

bumping factual news

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193d52 No.376614

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656f30 No.376670

real news bump

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515187 No.377096

bumping verified true news

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aa5ff0 No.377612

bumping important improved news

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4fc9ed No.378314

bumping accurate news

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acb326 No.379300

bumping back news

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ee8628 No.380979

bumping unprovoked news

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acb326 No.382054

bumping trustworthy news

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