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File: 87d066f724180a3⋯.jpg (209.32 KB,1280x1271,1280:1271,Picsart_23_06_13_19_32_43_….jpg)

bfa095 No.376310

they didn't obstruct any investigations

They immediately cooperated, complied, and handed everything over

in fact :

Biden notified the DOJ

the Department of Justice didn't even realize Biden had documents until they were notified by Biden's team

tsk tsk tsk……

the fat illiterate child rapist caveman STRUGGLED to keep the documents

He lied several times, saying all of the documents had been handed over, while he was orchestrating a shell game, shuffling documents all over the place, even holding"dress rehearsals", drills, in which his employees practiced how to work as a team to move the documents around during a lawful FBI Search Warrant…

They've got him on recorded audio and written messages, clearly dictating orders on how to obstruct Justice in this matter…


He's such a low self-esteem narcissist, that he needed to continually inflate his ego by showing off, even showing extremely extremely detrimental National Security documents to random strangers at a bar Mitzvah in the gaudy Ballroom of the tacky embarrassing Mar-A-Lago…

Some of these documents actually showed the United States military assessment of how our own Weaponry systems can be defeated

It's actually treason.. he's lucky he's only charged under the Espionage Act.. he deserves even much more serious charges!!

so… next time you want to suggest Hillary or Biden or Pence are equally as guilty as Trump?


None of them conspired to keep the documents or emails from the government

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