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File: 0f27d65adb7c2fd⋯.png (172.86 KB,1252x527,1252:527,134534154.png)

09b79f No.376299

LOW TECH BEATS HIGH TECH: Chinese Researchers Use $1 Adhesive To Counter Billion-dollar Laser Weapons From US

Researchers at the Beijing Institute of Technology are experimenting with boron phenolic resin or BPR, a commonly used material in hot and high-stress environments to counter billion-dollar laser weapons being developed by the US. China is the world's largest manufacturer of the BPR. It only costs the country seven yuan (US$1) to produce 2.2 pounds (one kg) of the material, The South China Morning Post reported.

The US has been working on laser weapons as the next leap in its military technology thanks to its capability of being deployed on land, in water, and in the air. Interesting Engineering has previously reported multiple success stories of laser weapons in deployment, achieving results similar to those of conventional missiles.

With low-cost drones becoming commonplace in warfare, laser-based weapons are a great low-cost weapon to fire at them and promise unlimited ammunition as long there is an assured power supply. The US, however, is taking the laser weapon a step further and using it counter ballistic missiles as well. The research done by the Chinese promises to make a major dent in US plans.

BPR is a low-cost resin used in industrial environments facing a lot of heat and high-stress conditions. The resin also has a military application, where it is used as a heat protection layer on missiles and high-speed drones.

However, laser weapons can easily burn a hole in this coating with a laser exposure of a few seconds. The research team led by Gao Lihang, a Beijing Institute of Technology professor, adds some inorganic compounds to the resin to make a new composite, BPR-1. Interestingly, the compounds such as silicon carbide, zirconium dioxide, and carbon black nanopowder were bought straight from the market and added to the low-cost resin.

In their experiments, the researchers applied 0.1 inches (2.5 mm) coating of the newly made resin and tested it against a 15-second blast from a weapons-grade laser. The power density of the laser was 500 watts per sq. cm, which is far more intense than what is typically used to target a ballistic missile.

According to the SCMP report, a laster from a three-megawatt weapon would theoretically have a power density of 300 watts per sq. cm. For all its advancements in space, the US military has only showcased 300-kilo-watt laser weapons, and megawatt laser weapons are currently under development.

After the 15-second test, the back surface of the coating showed a surface temperature of 445 Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius), which is far lesser than the 752 Fahrenheit (400 degrees Celsius) melting point of aluminum used for aerospace applications.

The researchers also found molten glass-like material across the heat-affected zone, which they believe was likely created by the added compounds in BPR-1.

With the US reportedly spending a billion dollars every year on laser weapons, it appears the Chinese have found a low-cost way to counter the upcoming technology.


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09b79f No.376300

I am so glad to see everyone is enjoying real news, very good.

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5c3668 No.376301


Kind of the same way you used video games and image boards to counter any vague hypothetical possibility of ever getting any pussy?

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5c3668 No.376302


Kind of the same way you used Missouri's minimum age of 16 to drop out of high school, to counter the possibility of never making any money and amounting to anything in your life?

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179e57 No.376327


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5f6ca1 No.376340


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ecd6d4 No.376498

bumping popular true news

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58dee6 No.376503




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d23dfb No.376612

bumping top notch news

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044459 No.376669

anti-fecal news bump

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b9fda5 No.376714


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42008b No.377097

bumping verified real news

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99b9a7 No.377429

bumping dependable news

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83dcd9 No.377892

bumping outstanding news fuck the gatekeepers

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21d815 No.377929


> it appears the Chinese have found a low-cost way to counter the upcoming technology

And thanks for explaining how that is made. Getting right on it.

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23ff97 No.379333

File: 2142a6eb44abd1f⋯.png (46.42 KB,892x376,223:94,241534156.png)

File: 79ba5f81a2710bd⋯.png (55.84 KB,600x422,300:211,OH_MY_GOD.png)

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23ff97 No.379334

File: 067be228b688432⋯.jpg (64.47 KB,530x680,53:68,culture_dumb_iq.jpg)

File: d8896746aa72382⋯.jpg (74.74 KB,526x603,526:603,dumb_goyim.jpg)

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23ff97 No.379335

File: c4b30fe4d297bdc⋯.jpg (102.86 KB,1024x825,1024:825,KEEP_ON_BELIEVEING_THE_LIE….jpg)

File: 9c88be01fec2faf⋯.jpg (78.69 KB,749x1024,749:1024,1645346975970.jpg)

File: 07bbf4a77e09725⋯.jpg (98.42 KB,750x500,3:2,5614154.jpg)

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23ff97 No.379336

File: 0a839f8686c8feb⋯.jpg (133.89 KB,713x840,713:840,34262623.jpg)

File: d2c943428ceb016⋯.jpg (59.86 KB,640x793,640:793,this_does_not_end_well.jpg)

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23ff97 No.379337

File: 84cdd058c13c2df⋯.jpg (26.47 KB,480x251,480:251,dumb_ass.jpg)

Average modern image board user today,

brainwashed and hopelessly retarded.

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83dcd9 No.380529

bumping premium news

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