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637d83 No.376256

Top 10 Factors Contributing To The COGNITIVE DECLINE Of Most Americans

Opportunities to thrive in America are still abundant, but the globalists and elitists running the country would like to put an end to all of that by eliminating the entire “middle class” and replacing us all with AI robots and destitute illegal immigrants.

To accomplish this sooner than later, the middle class must be dumbed down, bankrupted, sickened and demented, so that nobody can support themselves any longer, or defend their own rights, or challenge the ruling class in any way.

For decades, certain apparatus have been in place to keep the IQ of the average American in the gutter, so to speak, which helps the government keep the populace “in check.” For example, ever since WWII, most of the municipal tap water in this country has been adulterated with toxic fluoride, proven in Harvard studies to significantly lower intelligence.

As far as communism goes, a key factor for installing it and keeping it in place involves brainwashing the population to think about everything that does not matter and nothing that really does. That’s why the “woke” mentality keeps people’s minds on sex, sex partners and sexual identity all day. Everyone is supposed to believe that “gender fluidity” is the most important aspect of life and social interacting, all day and every day. This keeps people from thinking about how badly the government is robbing us all of our integrity, values, human rights and the nuclear family. Notice that most liberals and trans-whatever peoples are either agnostic or atheist, because religion does not fit the communist control narrative either. This is not a coincidence.

Fake news and social media are prime factors in the reduction of overall intelligence and cognition in America. Millions of people, especially millennials and youngsters, falsely believe that they should give all their time, money and resources to the climate change agenda and organizations, because fake news MSM and social media tell them they must. If they don’t save the world from carbon and sunshine, they will be guilty of being selfish and careless forever, so they believe.

Then, there are the beloved masks, that most Democrats, liberals, allopathic-enthusiasts and brainwashed hypochondriacs simply love to death (pun intended). These are obviously more than useless and support the communist movement to take away people’s personality while lowering their cognition substantially. Science has already proven the masks do not prevent the contraction or transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), reduce oxygen flow and breed bacteria in the mouth, throat and lungs. A “perfect” resource for perpetuating the sick-care industrial complex model and for furthering the installation of communism in the country.

Ten key factors causing mental malfunctions and loss of intelligence for the majority of Americans today:

#1. The “Woke” Mentality

#2. Spike Protein Injections

#3. Canola Oil

#4. Fluoride in Tap Water

#5. Pesticides

#6. Mainstream Media

#7. Communism/Public School Indoctrination

#8. COVID Masks

#9. Prescription Drugs

#10. 5G kill grid/smartphones/spy gadgets

Meanwhile, the majority of Americans consume bug killer, weed killer, and canola oil in most of their meals and snacks, reducing their cognitive abilities and heading straight for dementia early in life. Canola oil coagulates in the blood, causes loss of memory, and leads to mental decline (Alzheimer’s Disease), as proven in scientific studies.

Stay smart, healthy and frosty, because the powers that be want us all broke, stupid, and perverted.


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4d748e No.376257



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4d748e No.376258


AGAIN: I like you… You're my friend…


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4d748e No.376259


I'm not being mean or unfair….



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4d748e No.376260

you're NOT intelligent enough to comprehend how smart other people are

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4d748e No.376261

not insulting you…

simple observation :


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4d748e No.376262

#1: Born into a white trash family

#2: parents were uneducated trash

#3: fetal alcohol poisoning

#4: your bad DNA, brain malformed

#5: inherited schizophrenia

#6: believes in God & Jesus

#7: couldn't learn in school

#8: dropped out illiterate in 10th grade

#9: coward can't admit he's retarded

#10: settled for life of alcoholic mediocrity

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4e3615 No.376264

"For decades, certain apparatus have been in place to keep the IQ of the average American in the gutter"

….says the man who struggles with one syllable words

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593a1c No.376265


I am very smart and only complete morons think otherwise. Have another good day talking to yourself.

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1a9dd0 No.376486

5326 t343414 t34143

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8d9556 No.376822

bumping inspirational news

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41bd1c No.377412

bumping authentic true news

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f36564 No.379999

bumping verified news

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8d9556 No.380541

bumping improved news

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8d9556 No.381050

bumping non-bias news

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8d9556 No.382354

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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8d9556 No.383051

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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b819be No.383409

radical ideologists destroy everything, that's the only thing they know how to do

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fd31d8 No.383570

bumping top notch news

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8d9556 No.384101

bumping reliable news

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