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File: 6b0580792ace267⋯.png (43.34 KB,224x250,112:125,NaziBrainlet2.png)

3de53e No.375956

Nazis are the equivalent to the republicans in the Reps. Change my mind.

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8435a2 No.375957

File: 2065a2b0dbfc16b⋯.jpg (210.61 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_06_09_15_44_23_….jpg)

do you think I'm sexy

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d466fe No.375958


That's because most Republicans and Democrats do not hold allegiance to the United States Constitution or We The People and many are either outright fascists and many others closet communists. Look at the makeup of Congress, look at all the symbolism, much of it taken from Nazi and Soviet era art. Traitors, bought off by oligarchs just like what happened to most other failed sold-out regimes of the past. Change my fucking mind.

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be8310 No.376003


no nazi's are chad you just dont understand jewness

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3de53e No.376004

Fuck you all. Just kill yourself

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000000 No.376005


all of us? really anon? mass suicide of the entire human race?



i love it. my game devs are on it as we speak. the working title is

"mouthwash for everyone".

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