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535ba9 No.375950

WHY Americans Are Now At The Mercy of Russia and China.

Americans are now at the mercy of Russia and China. Our occupied corrupted-to-the-core government not only threatens the freedom, prosperity, safety and sovereignty of America and it's innocent citizens, this regime also poses a direct threat to other competing nations like Russia and China. Russia and China will be faced with a dilemma in the near future concerning possible world war III, if not outright nuclear war. Either Russia and China must do American citizens a favor and help restore their once great Constitutional republic after collapsing the existing corrupt parasitic problem running our world into endless war and despotism - or they have the mutual option of completely annihilating the United States once and for all, putting us all out of our misery in mutually assured destruction. Both options are likely on the table at this point. I do think the criminals running the current totalitarian regime in the US know this, but the vast majority of normie masses have no clue as to how ugly and dangerous this current power struggle for hegemony really is, or how this can easily upend our lives if not permanently. I would highly advise every American to lay low from now on, prepare for the worst and avoid dangerous areas before all hell breaks out.






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12b165 No.375953


says the HIGHSCHOOL DROPOUT who struggles to spell one-syllable words

the stupid little old fool

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12b165 No.375954

the stupid little man who didn't have what it took to learn one-syllable words

who dropped out after 10 years

and never amounted to anything

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12b165 No.375955


the day your uneducated opinions have value, I'll notify you immediately

but since it's never happened in 73 years

don't hold your breath


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b208ea No.376000

bumping trustworthy news and going offline 98% of the time.

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7591a1 No.376096

bumping well documented news

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36e42c No.376207

bumping natural news

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2d472b No.376223


Fuck off filthy kike

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25382a No.376344


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6bd688 No.376494

bumping top notch news

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16dcb8 No.376664

bumping spectacularly written news

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893133 No.376819

bumping solid news

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10ed76 No.377080

actual news bump 444

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e072b0 No.378305

bumping legit rational news

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36e42c No.378448

America was destroyed from within.

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097b9f No.378778

bumping absolute truth

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36e42c No.380012

bumping forbidden news

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893133 No.381006

bumping interesting news

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36e42c No.382056

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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