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File: 1ee3731730b60bb⋯.png (545.5 KB,1028x1018,514:509,DOOM_LOOP.png)

41bbe9 No.375939

MY COMMENT: You all will perish due to the evil despotic corruption you promote along with the demons you worship!!! God has damned this nation to it's DOOM LOOP. Utter and total collapse impending!!!!

Dozens Of Russian Strategic Submarines Have Surrounded The US Warns Pentagon


Putin’s restraint is the ONLY reason the US is not in the middle of total kinetic war right now!


Biden to Host Largest Pride Celebration In History As Economy Teeters on Collapse And Nuclear War Is At The Door


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a4b8f7 No.375942



you're already dead

you never actually lived

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a4b8f7 No.375943


if THAT was your existence?

you've never really lived

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a4b8f7 No.375944


your family wasn't anything like mine

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a4b8f7 No.375945

your family had no money

no class

no education

dirt people

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a4b8f7 No.375946


we grew up with money

class…. sophistication

the best schools, the best clothes, the best cars, the best food

expensive lavish vacations

$18,000 guitars on birthdays

brand new cars as Xmas gifts

your family are DIRT

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a4b8f7 No.375947


your grandparents were HUMAN GARBAGE

your parents were WHITE TRASH

and so are you

the apple didn't fall far from the tree

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a4b8f7 No.375948


your father was an uneducated idiot alcoholic

just like YOU

worthless scum

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a4b8f7 No.375949

you are smarter than your father

that's true

but you are STUPID AS SHIT

which means your father wasMONUMENTALLY STUPID

Because you're one of the stupidest adults I've ever seen… and if he was even stupider than you, obviously he must have been below stupid

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a4b8f7 No.375951


and OBVIOUSLY your daughter's not going to miracously be "intelligent"

because intelligence isn't a genetic trait in your family

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4b691d No.375995

bumping true news and going offline 98% of the time.

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