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File: f1b9292675b11e2⋯.jpg (29.9 KB,700x394,350:197,34561345.jpg)

f82ee7 No.375908

Solar Power Generation Cut In Half Due To Canadian State-run Eco-terror Arsonists

For the sake of solar power, let's hope Canada can bring its rampaging arsonists to heel. That's because the shroud of smoke that covered much of the Eastern US seaboard, has sent solar power generation in parts of the eastern US plummeting by more than 50% as wildfires rage in Canada.

According to the region’s grid operator, solar farms powering New England were producing 56% less energy at times of peak demand compared with the week before. Meanwhile, Bloomberg reports that electricity generated by solar across the territory serviced by PJM Interconnection LLC, which spans Illinois to North Carolina, was down about 25% from the previous week.

Massive wildfires are more commonly associated with the US West - where insurers are quietly dropping coverage due to massive fire-linked losses - but drought across eastern and central Canada has sparked thousands of blazes there so far this year, blanketing the US East Coast and Midwest in an surreal, Marsian-orange haze.

“With a situation like this, it’s really unprecedented” in the Northeast, said Matt Kakley, a spokesperson for ISO-New England. “We don’t have a lot of historical data to look back on. There is some learning in real time.” Solar accounts for about 3% of power generation in New England.

Wildfire risks explode as the Communist lunatic who runs Canada refuses to clear the dead brush off the forest floor or practice proper forest maintenance. Just like Newsome in California. And then there’s arson. Tell me… how did over 1,000 forest fires start at exactly the same time?

We pissed away trillions on “climate change” but have no remedy for actual air pollution.

We pissed away trillions on “the war on terror” but have no way to stop actual terrorism that threatens lives.




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a62faa No.375938

File: 1ee3731730b60bb⋯.png (545.5 KB,1028x1018,514:509,DOOM_LOOP.png)

MY COMMENT: You all will perish due to the evil despotic corruption you promote along with the demons you worship!!! God has damned this nation to it's DOOM LOOP. Utter and total collapse impending!!!!

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301d37 No.375966

File: ec09ec69ef70507⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,590x421,590:421,loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>he believed Trump's speech about rakes

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bcfc3e No.375999

bumping third world news and going offline 98% of the time.

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9dfcac No.376093

legit news anti-slide

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772a4d No.376205

bumping reality-driven news

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a62faa No.376243

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7466db No.376268



God you shills really are dumb as rocks/.

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7466db No.376290

Yw*Ϲ¿Ö|»k®ø§ñ Ç_|YkaiáM |2H~Ïoicû…xÊá£Ï[áU]´äÿ

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516f28 No.376318


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bd5fa0 No.377387

bumping outstanding news

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ae2d36 No.378331

bumping intellectual news

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a62faa No.380490

bumping authentic true news

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a62faa No.381021

bumping natural news

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ebcae6 No.381831

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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