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bee4b9 No.375727

Because if you don't hear the entire call you will never truly understand what a terrible negotiator Trump really is…

The stupid Trump turds seem to think he's some kind of "Genius negotiator"…

in reality, can do more I've met 5 year old children with more influential negotiating skills…

He tries coming on Bold, then when he gets nowhere, he starts making threats like an impetuous child…


It's a conference call, and everyone participating in Trump's side of the conversation isCLEARLY GUILTY

The entire phone call is a crime, from the very beginning

By simply making this call, he and his cronies were committing serious serious organized crime, conspiring and racketeering to overthrow the election

There is no ambiguity here, because it's chiseled in stone

The phone call lasts 1 hour and 2 minutes, and you can certainly invest 62 minutes of your life into hearing the actual details of the phone call for yourself, instead of relying on other people's interpretations

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bee4b9 No.375728

Spend 62 minutes hearing every word for yourself, rather than spending the rest of your life "thinking you know"

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000000 No.375732

After years of Neptroon posting, OP has finally gone completely insane.

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3ab893 No.375736

we'll see who's insane in early August, when Trump & his cronies are indicted for Racketeering….

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b97846 No.375757


Dude look at the feacking news! ITS FAKE



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