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9a8166 No.375723

It's RICO…. but it ain't Suavé

fuck him… the RICO Act was designed for scumbags like him… in fact, when he tried to overturn the election results in georgia, he perfectly fit the official code of Georgia annotated on the RICO Act

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9a8166 No.375724

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) of 1970 seeks to strengthen the legal tools in evidence gathering by establishing new penal prohibitions and providing enhanced sanctions and new remedies for dealing with the unlawful activities of those engaged in organized crime.

inherently, when he conspired with Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Sydney Powell, and dozens of other people to illegallytry to steal the election, they were ALL guilty of ORGANIZED CRIME



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5b5933 No.375725

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5b5933 No.375726

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If you haven't already listened to the entire 1 hour recorded phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, then you owe it to yourself to listen to the ENTIRE CALL

It would be hard to find somebody who hasn't heard a brief clip from the phone call, but you really need to listen to the entire phone call in its entirety, to truly understand how serious the organized crime racketeering charges are going to be

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9a8166 No.375729

Trump has neverhad a taste of Georgia's Criminal Justice System

he'll never forget it… I promise

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