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File: 8b990e91c288327⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,2000x1852,500:463,MeloniTheWopmutt.jpg)

1fe222 No.375685

Italy tried to counter pride month.

How could they do something like that?

Italians are not white, European, or even human.

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67814b No.375688


Anyone who is anti-Pride is barely human, so they're just trying to be good right-wing Trump/Desantis dick suckers.

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1ee346 No.375693

File: db87732f2ba2452⋯.jpg (154.66 KB,372x391,372:391,Khalid_Shaikh_Mohammed.jpg)


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is from an Italian city calledPAKISTAN

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1ee346 No.375694

File: a10cb233e1b534d⋯.jpg (8.7 KB,286x200,143:100,Flat_Eskimos1.jpg)


but…. italians are sofriendly

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1ee346 No.375695

File: f8a3b661069e7ac⋯.jpg (272.02 KB,960x1440,2:3,images_24_.jpg)


and italians love music

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1ee346 No.375696

File: c5b88ca0f0d325d⋯.mp4 (7.37 MB,202x360,101:180,This_Was_Unexpected_.mp4)


and everybody knows italians are GREAT DANCERS

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1ee346 No.375697

File: b48fc281945a6f9⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,800x1067,800:1067,leprechaun1.jpg)


plus, I thought italians were good luck

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1ee346 No.375698

File: 02a840b7a81ece5⋯.jpg (428.16 KB,1920x1080,16:9,native_american_cultures_g….jpg)


Plus these days, everywhere you look, there's little convenience stores on every corner, being run by those filthy goddamn Italians

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1ee346 No.375699

File: 5dc0de6fcbd7ce8⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,1066x480,533:240,AndroVid_4241.mp4)

not to mention the fact that ITALIANS ARE EXPERT DRIVERS

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1ee346 No.375707

File: 420d08d2c1ea764⋯.png (176.83 KB,547x259,547:259,dennis_hopper_true_romance….png)


….but let's not forget that the other day, you erroneously thought Dennis Hopper insulted "italians" in True Romance

your attention span is SO AWKWARD, that you don't know whoSICILIANSare

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1ee346 No.375708

File: 19c4a7ba5ddcd70⋯.jpg (131.07 KB,794x772,397:386,il_794xN_2876885014_nlif_7….jpg)


Italians are impressive log splitters

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1ee346 No.375709

File: f626ce1f6202bb4⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,750x531,250:177,pharoah2.jpg)


I think it's weird how all Italian people have really short legs

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1ee346 No.375710

File: 5d47ad32a77cb8f⋯.jpg (4.6 KB,183x275,183:275,images_25_.jpg)

RE: italians aren't white

oh really?

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1ee346 No.375711


the average Italian

is a snazzy dresser!

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1ee346 No.375712

File: 98e252cca6972fe⋯.jpg (24.76 KB,236x398,118:199,97eabd5c0a7716655b9fd687fd….jpg)

the snazziness of THE AVERAGE ITALIAN

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1ee346 No.375713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


…but you're correct…..

white people are superior as fuck

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ad60d9 No.375716


There's no evidence that it's a samefag.

Multiple people enjoy the wopmutt meme.

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1ee346 No.375717


no…. actually, no they don't

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ad60d9 No.375718

File: a930d7db4bfcac0⋯.jpg (190.98 KB,955x892,955:892,TheWopmutt.jpg)

File: 8ec9a320b9640fa⋯.png (198.41 KB,1200x1200,1:1,wopmutt1.png)


People enjoy the wopmutt meme.

The wopmutt meme isn't forced.

The wopmutt meme shows up almost 1,000 times on the pol archives.

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