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File: 5edb4092123c807⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x2077,1080:2077,Screenshot_20230606_092612….png)

8d39f8 No.375681

scattershot, chaotic, disruptive, insane bizarre flaming drag queen faggot!!!

☆ Rep. George Santos has asked a judge to keep the names of the people who guaranteed his half-million-dollar bond a secret.

☆ The embattled congressman said outing them would make them targets for job loss, violence, and death threats

☆ Santos said he'd rather forfeit his bond and go to jail than reveal his suretors' identities.

(that can be EASILY arranged, faggot)

Rep. George Santos has begged a judge not to reveal the names of the anonymous people who agreed to pony up a $500,000 bond to keep him out of jail as he fights criminal fraud charges.

And if the judge mandates that his guarantors be identified, Santos said he'd forfeit his bond and remain jailed until his trial, according to court documents obtained by Insider.

In a letter to US Judge Anne Shields late Monday, Santos, through his lawyer Joseph Murray, argued that divulging their names would subject them to a media frenzy, public ridicule, harassment, job loss, and potential violence.

"Here in the instant case, the suretors are likely to suffer great distress, may lose their jobs, and God forbid, may suffer physical injury," Murray wrote in a letter to the judge, which was obtained by Johnny Neptune.

"My client would rather surrender to pretrial detainment than subject these suretors to what will inevitably come," Murray added.

The lawyer said both he and Santos have been victims of harassment and death threats since his client was indicted last month and is sure that the same would happen to the suretors.

"There is little doubt that the suretors will suffer some unnecessary form of retaliation if their identities and employment are revealed," Murray wrote, adding that an unknown person called him as soon as he filed documents to the court last week.

"The fact that someone emailed me my own letter back to me soon after I filed it with the Court, tells us that they are just ready and waiting to pounce," the lawyer wrote. "A few hours later on Friday, June 2, 2023, I received a call wherein a male voice just shouted what sounded like, 'Who paid Santo's bond?' Again, they are just waiting to pounce on the suretors."

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d7a204 No.375682

File: 4582f83830d48d6⋯.mp4 (900.36 KB,426x240,71:40,witchhunt_.mp4)

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650359 No.375684

File: c90b9f5b8b7b4df⋯.png (764.55 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230606_150532….png)

U.S. Magistrate Judge Anne Shields said Tuesday that she granted an order to unseal the identities of the guarantors of Santos' $500,000 bond. However, she directed the clerk of the court to keep her decision and the bond under seal, giving Santos until noon Friday to challenge her ruling.

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c455d3 No.375689


I bet $1000 that Tucker Carlson is one of the three.

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650359 No.375690


honestly?… I wouldn't doubt that at all

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650359 No.375691

File: 706cc2f8103a3d6⋯.jpg (5.16 KB,191x190,191:190,2Q_7_.jpg)


I'm suspecting maybe even Guo Wengui

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650359 No.375692

File: 665c05cbbd6ec1b⋯.png (252.58 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230606_160632….png)

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