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2db401 No.375679

yesterday, I told you that Georgia uses the RICO ACT more than any other state, and Fulton County is going to charge Trump & all his cronies with RICO. .

RICO = racketeering

and it's going to carry a 40 year sentence


(my best friend's daughter is a legal aid at the Fulton County District Attorney's Office)

expect Trumps arrest in early August

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2db401 No.375680


Georgia uses the RICO ACT more than any other state, and more effectively than any other state…

Here in Georgia, they use the RICO ACT all day long, every day…

(it's a vicious, ruthless criminal code)

the defendants ALWAYS LOSE

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770a0c No.375700

imagine a bear claw trap slamming down around your ankle, literally pulverizing the bone as it snaps your ankle and foot free from your leg, being held together only by the skin.

that's the RICO ACT

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770a0c No.375701

imagine a horrifyingly insane African Zulu Warrior tweaked out of his mind on Khat and Xylazine, shooting you in the jugular vein with a poisonous dart, the setting you on fire as he slices your face off with a rudimentary hammered alloy machete as he screams in your ears…

that's the RICO ACT

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770a0c No.375702

imagine ordering an Uber to the airport, but instead a rusted dilapidated 1973 van pulls up, 3 Mexican Cartel henchmen jump out, gangrape you, then kidnap you, and throw you out of the moving van over a train track, milliseconds before the train track, van & you are vaporized by an impromptu nuclear explosion….

that's the RICO ACT

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770a0c No.375703

trust me…….

Georgia DOESNOTplay games when it comes to the RICO ACT

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770a0c No.375704

imagine a butterfly, fluttering by you, when suddenly a rabid vicious possum jumps on your back, and begins ripping your skin off, then the possum pulls out a 9mm pistol and shoots you through the left eye…

that's the RICO ACT

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770a0c No.375705


same way you don't want to have an epileptic seizure inside a 20 foot wide wasps nest

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770a0c No.375706

Georgia is going to stretch Trump out like a truck stop hookers asshole on Friday night

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