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File: 16702e9ae2573a8⋯.jpg (136.13 KB,614x839,614:839,CITIES_AND_CRIME.jpg)

aa6d11 No.375581


MY COMMENT: If you were to remove these 5 cities in the US, America would be one of the safest nations to live in: FACT. See the OP pic, dig it? Good! So keep your failed politics in those shitholes and keep out of the rest of America's communities! We don't exactly dig you people either.

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d24ec4 No.375583


>actually quotes kike rob schneider

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d24ec4 No.375584



Memphis & New Orleans are tied for HIGHEST MURDER RATES IN AMERICA, highest armed robberies, highest carjacking numbers, and highest crime rates in general

but Little Robbie never mentioned them

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72accd No.375590

bumping solid news

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aa6d11 No.376414

bumping traditional news

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