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File: e6fa30109893df5⋯.jpg (13.73 KB,259x194,259:194,4345342.jpg)

983607 No.375347

Support your local farmer markets, flea markets, thrift shops, antique shops, garage and yard sales this June and July!!

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ae5bc7 No.375348


and purchase other people's unwanted worthless rubbish?

I'll pass…..

I can afford NICE THINGS

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ae5bc7 No.375349


I'd imagine you buy your underwear used, at Goodwill?

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ae5bc7 No.375350

File: 5acaacc9a5cb1a2⋯.jpg (209.3 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_08_12_38_13_….jpg)

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ae5bc7 No.375351


in Missouri, you broke-ass galoots trapse chicken coop feces through your trailers from the bottoms of your cheap thriftstore boots, and you never think twice about it

here, in REAL AMERICA, we can easily afford the best quality

why the fuck would we stoop to your level?

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ae5bc7 No.375352

oops sorry


chickenshit hicks

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741381 No.375353


Why buy brand new stuff all the time when you can easily save money buying something that someone used once or twice for literally 1/8th the price in some cases? I've bought boxes of tool accessories for example that had I bought in a regular hardware store they would have cost nearly triple the price, yet all of them work just fine. You can buy good condition DVDs for $1 too, and they sell by the ton, almost everyone is selling them. I don't know about you but I like saving money when I shop, plus financially supporting the local community doing so without supporting subversive monopolistic corporations.

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741381 No.375389

bumping real objective news

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741381 No.375429


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