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File: 8ac24b55d2008cb⋯.jpg (135.51 KB,819x1024,819:1024,6737477278f8b0f8.jpg)

ed2dc8 No.375326

San Francisco politicians: please come back to the destabilized impoverished cities we rule over and destroyed, REEEEEEEEEEEE!

Average Americans and businesses: LOL, fuck no!


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28eeeb No.375327


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28eeeb No.375328

File: e01b3d1c47da07e⋯.jpg (330.78 KB,1698x1080,283:180,Picsart_23_02_12_10_51_49_….jpg)

File: a2bce6775651eb3⋯.jpg (441.88 KB,1620x1080,3:2,Picsart_23_02_12_10_52_09_….jpg)

File: ddffb48bc9bffd4⋯.jpg (475.6 KB,1436x1080,359:270,Picsart_23_02_12_10_52_39_….jpg)

File: 213bf5fe61eaac8⋯.jpg (564.16 KB,1678x1080,839:540,Picsart_23_02_12_10_52_52_….jpg)

File: 3c59e65b468a7cf⋯.jpg (341.54 KB,1698x1080,283:180,Picsart_23_02_12_10_59_36_….jpg)

lol @ caling San Francisco a "shithole"

you've never even been to California


white trash

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2408ff No.375869

bumping top notch news

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635795 No.376475

bumping true news

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d7c931 No.376603

bumping outstanding news

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6f7f21 No.376703

bumping natural news

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cc3eb0 No.376784

bumping significant news

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ca0e33 No.377420

bumping educated news

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089fee No.379397

bumping actual legit

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2408ff No.380093

Nope, sorry, never stepping foot into your shithole cities.

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2408ff No.380536

thank you OP for posting real news

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