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File: cbcd7c6f8cc2cd9⋯.pdf (156.09 KB,Jews_Selling_Blacks_Full_P….pdf)

bf3ddb No.375290

Come out and resist Jew Power and show your support for Kanye and Kyrie by participating in our "Jews Selling Blacks" Demonstrations on Friday, June 23rd from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Demonstrations will be held at the following locations:

1.) Barclays Center (Main Entrance), 620 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY. 11217

2.) City Hall (Main Entrance), 100 N. Holliday St, Baltimore, MD. 21202

3.) City Hall (Main Entrance), 55 Trinity Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA. 30303

You can pass out fliers or make demonstration signs from the pdf files from the link below.

The following fliers are currently available:

- Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising By American Jews

- Jews of the Black Holocaust

- Jews and the Rape of Black Women

- Jews and the Red Man

Demonstration Fliers:


Please share this announcement with all of your contacts.

You have the power to make a difference!

City demonstration list and more information:


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e40a42 No.375291

Barclays Center (Main Entrance), 620 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY. 11217

2.) City Hall (Main Entrance), 100 N. Holliday St, Baltimore, MD. 21202

3.) City Hall (Main Entrance), 55 Trinity Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA. 30303

I live in Atlanta

But thanks to the modern technology known as "TELEPHONES", it's going to be relatively easy for me to contact all three of these locations, notify them about this thread, and get email addresses where I can send screenshots

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e40a42 No.375292

I'll have anybody who shows up arrested


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e40a42 No.375293

I literally LOVE having people arrested

or at the very least, having them investigated by law enforcement

it's my jam

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e40a42 No.375294

lol @ amateur hour fagshows

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e40a42 No.375295





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e40a42 No.375296


I've already tipped off federal law enforcement about ALBERT CURTIS, the unemployed bum

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e40a42 No.375297

ALBERT CURTIS : uncle Ashtray

unemployed BUM

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