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6cf6e6 No.375286

If other nations wish to succeed and thrive they will do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what many Western governments are doing. They will avoid fiscal insolvency and going into endless debt. They will crack down on insider corruption and outright fraud. They will investigate and prosecute acts of treason. They will secure their national boarders. They will eliminate harmful "green energy" policies which only increase costs of energy and food prices. They will avoid corrupt ESG policies that destroy economic stability. They will enact voter ID laws. They will prohibit sexual grooming and subversive transgender propaganda in schools, while increasing real curriculum like math and science. They will ban and issue arrest warrants for destabilization agents who profit from societal misery (George Soros and his NGOs come to mind). They will avoid endless war and stand neutral in the face of foreign squabble. All of which most captive corrupted Western nations refuse to do, in which all have become highly destabilized and impoverished!!!

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027e74 No.375289


shut it

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094a75 No.375298



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6cadd5 No.375421


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e3014f No.375561

¼´m‘‹ýýР,M]:“>ö±¥ç®ï¤í)ý›Oÿ+æ`Ò3_ø"Š§Ñ ÆÜõpßs-€,”™»Ðv—ò,iÇLð4¾SÆ&M~CŸMvëùŽ¼HÿIÛæfÀ (ñ3ëf@BÐQí±/îÏ]â>Æà iaBÖÙíÙ—M6'³éTñªvjtt8ÀÖË/ž6º±œ!)0if


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e3014f No.375577



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58585a No.375591

bumping independent news

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9ffdde No.375661

bumping impressive news

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9ba6d0 No.375835

bumping well documented news

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ca1eb0 No.377044

bumping non-bias news

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8531c7 No.379242


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