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File: 1415eb016b86ad4⋯.png (1.78 MB,1090x1080,109:108,Picsart_23_01_07_04_34_45_….png)

9ae0a2 No.375254

it's over

start crying MAGAturds

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9ae0a2 No.375255

File: 5b18613a220eaab⋯.jpg (49.51 KB,1100x825,4:3,ap22322771821141_81211debf….jpg)

1: special prosecutor and vicious badass annihilator Jack Smith now has secretly recorded conversations with trump, in which he admits having stolen government documents, a breach of national security, and he actually discusses the contents of some of the documents, specifically the pentagon's secret plan to attack Iran

Just one little "problem"

When he discussed the documents contents regarding the hypothetical attack on iran,he was DISSEMINATING TOP SECRET NATIONAL SECURITY INFO

Which is one of the most serious federal charges anybody could possibly face

Speaking of serious faces.. this is special prosecutor Jack Smith

Does this look like somebody who plays games?

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9ae0a2 No.375256

File: fadfd0df9a868f9⋯.jpg (445.81 KB,960x1568,30:49,1685634450547.jpg)

2: Afterlosing the electionTrump fired his internet campaign and cybersecurity chief, because he released a public statement declaring that Trump LOST FAIR & SQUARE

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9ae0a2 No.375257

File: d3c1738a4838589⋯.jpg (230.06 KB,960x1568,30:49,1685634527557.jpg)

3: Jack Smith now has testimony verifying thatTrump coached his Mar-a-Lago staff on how to deceive the FBI Agentsand actually helda DRESS REHEARSAL for keeping the stolen documents out of the FBIs reach


Consciousness of guilt

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9ae0a2 No.375258

File: fb34ce0881e6332⋯.jpg (465.03 KB,960x1568,30:49,1685634394600.jpg)

4: one of Trump's attorneys resigned, after he learned that Trump was keeping the "dress rehearsals" and extra stolen documents from him

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9ae0a2 No.375259

File: d137da1bafca2e2⋯.jpg (250.52 KB,960x1568,30:49,1685634290071.jpg)

5: the Department of Justice and Jack Smith have the Mar-A-Lago security video, and there are sections edited out when Trump had his staff removing the stolen documents the night before the FBI showed up

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9ae0a2 No.375260

File: 411f54f26fe28d1⋯.jpg (8.62 KB,107x172,107:172,Picsart_23_06_01_12_00_42_….jpg)

6: in the past 4 months, dozens of Trumps former staff have testified against him front of the DOJ Grand Jury

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