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File: d319efd8251aeea⋯.png (188.63 KB,895x1976,895:1976,student_loan_corruption.png)

File: dbf15332c36f74f⋯.gif (1.95 MB,480x270,16:9,1650041493301.gif)

3a55a0 No.375172

So now that enemies of America fooled more than half of the American youth into becoming full-blown brainwashed debt slaves with worthless "educational" degrees in failed Marxist ideologies, what happens next when the old timers with real skills die off? Third world population replacement? I would happen to think so.

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2e3c7d No.375174


…..says the unemployed adult whiner


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2e3c7d No.375175

File: 4130695985001b0⋯.jpg (411.98 KB,960x1568,30:49,1685478348015.jpg)

I mean, let's just skip the false pretense

let's talk like real friends talk

let's keep it 100

I'm not "being mean"… I'm simply being real


correct me if I inadvertently got any details wrong

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2e3c7d No.375176

File: 82337b0682637dd⋯.jpg (144.33 KB,842x1136,421:568,PicsArt_05_01_11_19_32.jpg)


I realize you like to pretend you're not a slave….

ahhh, to be a child again

well, junior…. I've got some bad news


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2e3c7d No.375177

SOMEBODY'S paying your way

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2e3c7d No.375178

it's NOT you………

you can't pay your own way

it's not your father wiping your ass

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2e3c7d No.375179

nope…. that's NOT

how life works

no father will allow his adult son or daughter to sit around on his ass, playing videogames, masturbating, and waxing "legalitarian" in empty chatrooms…


only a MOTHER would do that

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2e3c7d No.375180

…..riding somebody else's wifi

…..eating their food

…..sleeping under their roof

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2e3c7d No.375181

Of course, I could be mistaken….

I've been wrong many times before

And I'm certain it will happen again

So if you're going to prove me wrong, then forgive me beforehand…

but you cant

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2e3c7d No.375182


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2e3c7d No.375183

a slave to your own lack of responsibilities

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2e3c7d No.375184

A slave who can't even invite a woman over for the evening, because mommy's spare bedroom is a turnoff

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2e3c7d No.375185

A slave who doesn't make the rules, because it's not his house, and it's not his money

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2e3c7d No.375186

imprisoned in your own self-imposed ETERNAL IMMATURITY

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2e3c7d No.375187

You're a much bigger slave then you could ever imagine.. at least the wage slaves get pussy for their effort..

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2e3c7d No.375188

What other people pay for in money

You pay for with dignity

Under somebody else's rules

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2fb81c No.376403

bumping absolute news

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