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Anonymous 05/24/23 (Wed) 15:27:54 e26465 No.374872
Which Industry Spends the Most On Political Lobbying (Legalized Bribery)?
“Spending $5.17 billion over the past 24 years, the pharmaceutical and 'health' products industry has far outpaced all others in lobbying spending. The industry spent a record $356.6 million on lobbying in 2021, nearly 30% more in nominal terms than it did in 2009 amid debates about the Affordable Care Act (ACA).”
Anonymous 05/24/23 (Wed) 20:28:15 bf6767 No.374875
Anonymous 05/24/23 (Wed) 20:29:41 bf6767 No.374876
so…… it took you THIS LONG to figure out the system is corrupt?
nothing gets past you, huh?
Anonymous 05/24/23 (Wed) 20:35:38 bf6767 No.374877
I'm guessing you're oblivious to the fact that ever since 2016,only the lowest-level stupid idiots do the "conspiracy theorist" fagshow?
Anonymous 05/24/23 (Wed) 20:39:12 bf6767 No.374878
File: cda5d87d43e8ba6⋯.mp4 (10.47 MB,610x360,61:36,LOW_IQ_Anon_.mp4)
it's not 1987 anymore dude
these days, the conspiracy duchebucket outline drops you down to the level of a Q-TARD
a trailerpark Facebook LOW IQ-Anon
like somebody's toothless fat grandmother
Anonymous 05/24/23 (Wed) 20:42:52 bf6767 No.374879
File: 82337b0682637dd⋯.jpg (144.33 KB,842x1136,421:568,PicsArt_05_01_11_19_32.jpg)
and water is wet?
Anonymous 05/24/23 (Wed) 20:45:25 bf6767 No.374880
has it ever crossed your mind thatyou wouldn't have time for stupid conspiracy theories IF YOU GOT A FUCKING JOB??
Anonymous 06/14/23 (Wed) 22:47:43 b9ecc2 No.376395
bumping vital news