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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: ee077e6175eb70c⋯.jpg (30.58 KB,1200x675,16:9,download_jpeg.jpg)

52a7a4 No.374536

the left gets overly sensitive with everything, and the right gets overly sensitive when you question and argue their values

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d79bf1 No.374541

File: 128012a7797d751⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,refrain_.mp4)



And that's egg zack lee why it's important to remember the two-party system is a shell game, a trick to make people think they have a choice

That's exactly why I'm not a Democrat or a Republican or a Libertarian or an independent

I'm not a leftist or a right-wing conservative or even vaguely centralist

I'm not a moderate or a liberal or any of those stupid fucking labels they use to keep people distracted while they continue the shell game up in washington, or even in any local political region

I'm just a human being, who happened to be born in America, but I don't pledge any allegiance to this country whatsoever, and America can shove its red white and blue flag up its ass for all I care

THE TRICK : if I heated up a silver dollar with an acetylene torch, and I asked you to pick heads or tails…. even if you WON, the indelible image of the opposing team would be burned into the back of your hand forever

Politics news and debate?


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d79bf1 No.374542

File: 7191125c037658b⋯.jpg (250.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_05_20_20_39_18_….jpg)

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d79bf1 No.374543

File: bdba5a0e56683d0⋯.jpg (178.33 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_05_20_20_42_43_….jpg)

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d79bf1 No.374544

I don't give a fuck about my own opinions, so why the hell would I give a fuck about anybody else's opinions?

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d79bf1 No.374545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

James Austin Johnson doesn't simply do an impersonation of trump


he literally BECOMES Trump

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d79bf1 No.374546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

But James Austin Johnson also does a masterful Biden

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d79bf1 No.374547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d79bf1 No.374548

File: 539b0618a687eac⋯.mp4 (108.36 KB,256x256,1:1,STFU_.mp4)

fuck politics……

our opinions don't matter

fuck the 'news'….

especially when it's bullshit

conspiracy theories about

stolen elections, or jews or

any of the other predictable

handful of contrived garbage

that the DWEEBS who stumble

in here whine about, after being

banned from fagchan/pol/

and DEBATE?……

debating is an idiotic waste

of one's precious time

fuck debating…

fuck my opinions…

fuck your opinions….

fuck everybody's opinions….

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d79bf1 No.374549

File: c24be7d0aee455f⋯.png (985.29 KB,1080x1276,270:319,Screenshot_20230520_165505….png)

videogamers role-playing as nazis

pretending to be




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ab9de5 No.374550

I'm older than dirt

trust me, I've been around

back in the 80s I knew a TON








and even THEY were pussies….

they were just illiterate insecure

stupid misfit losers

….desperate to "belong"

….to finally "fit in"


in fact, my group of cool friends

got into several fights with them

and those pussies only won ONE TIME

because one of the losers pulled out a big heavy metal chain, and hit one of my friends over the head with it

because that skinhead couldn't fight

he was getting his ass kicked bad

until he grabbed a weapon

but today's breed of online wannabe

roleplay fagshow neonazi is nothing

short of


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