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File: 34f11f7036a2e98⋯.jpg (51.72 KB,375x480,25:32,Mrs_Milley.jpg)

c33760 No.374435

Uncle INTEL- 30m Invaders Assembled, Goal Is 300m Invaders!!!

Straight from usually reliable source, he's been right 90% of the time, don't ask for a "link". If you really believe the US MIL will do anything, you are deluded, they are running the operations:

There is no way out for those who are doing this…. It is all or nothing.

There is no appeasing a [those you can't name on GLP] or a criminal socio-psychopath.

Word I just got is 30 million are being assembled to come up now.

We are now in a defacto state of war as the US military and gov forces are without question all "captured flags"

From a friend

Have a tip…..(the "missing explosives" that were stolen, 60,000 lbs of high explosives)

video link to missing explosives won't post on this site…

P.s. Dyno Nobel….. They rigged bld 7 as well as towers 1 & 2 including WORKING DIRECTLY with US pentagon dept of army to procure the backpack nukes on 9/11

Incoming hit is coming no question.

They were the number 1 prime suspect in our findings and I know for certain ONI had that data before they got taken out.

The last brief I reviewed on this matter was above q level clearance.

The connection was made…. Now I'm warning again….. This is a big one incoming.

May want to pass that around and see what you get and especially in very obvious places that will certainly get a hard review.

I've been to dinners with top leadership of Dyno N…

There was someone high up in US Army we could not finger….. A shadow figure we could not get anything on but knew existed. Me…. I think it was Gen Mark Milley.

Bottom line is, Dyno Nobel was instrumental in 9/11 and are without question doing hard core evil imo based on what's been pieced together over the years.

Btw…. The invasion is real.

They're all over the place.



USAF bases are being used and US military aircraft are transporting from many bases.

Illegals are being bussed to the bases and they're using transports to drop these muthafers to all parts of the US. We don't stand a chance if this continues.

The goal I understand it to put 300 million here or more by 2027-30

US Gov are contracted to build welcome centers complete with all facilities to put multiple large centers up built by Haliburton and US Military.

They are opening up the flood gates.


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aeb2ad No.374445


==LOW IQ-Anon=

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aeb2ad No.374446

File: 98dea4f33971b07⋯.jpg (269.89 KB,1080x1382,540:691,Picsart_23_05_19_18_24_19_….jpg)




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aeb2ad No.374447

File: cda5d87d43e8ba6⋯.mp4 (10.47 MB,610x360,61:36,Low_IQ_Anon_.mp4)




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65fab5 No.374504

bumping impelling censored news

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65fab5 No.374506


There is no doubt what-so-ever the US has been hijacked by enemies of the American people, just look how hatefully and despotically they react to normal, simple, very basic criticism today. I'd say God help this nation, but God may be eternally damning this nation for all the corruption and sins that go unpunished and unrepented. Looks like the preppers who moved to the rural high mountains were pretty smart. Best way to avoid the invasion is going literally butt-fuck nowhere rural where it takes hours to commute to any populated area.

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cbb354 No.374564

bumping traditional news

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080c53 No.374635

bumping bombshell news

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cf317c No.374858

bumping common sense news

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71e4b6 No.375167

bumping traditional news

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de10ca No.375218

bumping inspirational news

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3d8272 No.375334

bumping confirmed news

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a66dcf No.375387

bumping earth-shattering news

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a66dcf No.375430


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85b839 No.376440

bumping common sense news

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812937 No.376697

bumping authentic news

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8ec501 No.376790

bumping premium news

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65fab5 No.376841

bumping natural news

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6085c9 No.376892

bumping news with integrity

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95f8ff No.377094

true rational news bump 52

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98e9ff No.377469

bumping non-State-run news

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794f20 No.378322

bumping international news

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537e2d No.379306

bumping common sense news and going offline 98% of the time.

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02bd00 No.379426

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